Keynote Speakers

Sabine Barles
Professeure des universités en Aménagement de l'espace

Claire Colomb
Professor of Land Economy

Alex Deffner
Professor of Urban and Leisure Planning at the Department of Planning and Regional Development

Emmanuel Grégoire
First deputy mayor, in charge of town planning, architecture and Greater Paris

Michael Storper
Distinguished Professor of Regional and International Development in Urban Planning

Christophe Demazière
Professor at University of Lille, studies territorial development, small city development and comparative analysis of planning systems

Hélène Mainet
Professor of Geography and Urban Planning

Sylvy Jaglin
Professor of Urban Planning, specializes in Urban and African Studies

Eric Verdeil
Professor, Director of the Master Program in Urban and territorial strategies, CERI

Patrick Le Galès
CNRS research professor

Tuna Tasan Kok
Professor of Urban Governance and Planning with a background in urban social geography and planning