The core requirements for a high-quality European Planning Education were established in 1995 by the AESOP Working Group on the Curriculum of Planning Education.
The aim of the Working Group was to define a set of common principles suitable for a high-quality planning education all over Europe. Since their approval, these core requirements represent the common principles and values shared by AESOP member schools and guided the assessment of the school applying for AESOP membership.
In 2020, The AESOP Council of Representatives gave the mandate to a newly instituted Core Curriculum Working Group to revise and update the original core curriculum. This has occurred through an articulated and participated process that, during the period 2021-2023, has engaged all segments of the AESOP communities.
The revised Core Curriculum has been approved in the occasion of the AESOP CoRep meeting that took place on March 2024 in Venice, and addresses three main aims:
1. Contribute to a common identity for all AESOP member schools;
2. Provide a set of minimum requirements in order to be recognised as a planning school;
3. Increase the quality and visibility of planning education and contribute to improving the (professional) recognition of planners educated in AESOP member schools.