This thematic group promotes small towns as a valuable field of inquiry, providing insights relevant to broader planning and research communities. Although innovation, social differences, and political struggles are often more visible in big cities, small towns are equally transformed by accelerated economic, political, and social developments. Challenges in small and medium towns include structural change, social polarization, digitalization, retail concentration, mobility shifts away from private transport, and gaps in technical and social infrastructures affecting social mobility and inclusion. Despite being vital for residential, work, and supply purposes, small towns are often seen as subordinate or peripheral to larger urban centers, regarded mainly through their distance from agglomerations. Alternatively, as part of metropolitan areas, they face unique challenges and potentials. This group examines small towns beyond population size and service provision, considering their urban fabric as indicative of broader transformation processes and integral to urbanization. Through interdisciplinary theoretical and empirical exchanges, and diverse methodological approaches, the goal is to explore unique and similar morphological structures of urban settlements differing from big cities in functional role, socio-economic assemblages, and institutional structures. This systematic analysis positions small towns as critical anchor points in regions and urban networks, addressing development patterns that contribute to the growing divide between large agglomerations and small towns.



  • Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Weyrauch / Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning / Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg / 03046 / Cottbus / Germany
  • Dr. Nina Gribat / Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning / Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg / 03046 / Cottbus / Germany
  • Jeanette Fitzsimons / Centre for Planning Education & Research / University College Cork / Cork / Ireland
  • Dr.-Ing Agnes Förster / Faculty of Architecture / RWTH Aachen University / 52062 / Aachen / Germany
  • Dr. hab. Agnieszka Kwiatek-Soltys / Institute of Geography / University of the National Education Commission Krakow / 30-084 / Krakow / Poland
  • Krzysztof Wiedermann / Institute of Geography / University of the National Education Commission Krakow / 30-084 / Krakow / Poland
  • Hélène Roth / UMR Territoires / Université Clermont Auvergne / 63178 / Aubière Cedex / France
  • Hélène Mainet / UMR Territoires / Université Clermont Auvergne / 63178 / Aubière Cedex / France
  • Matej Nikšič / Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia / 1000 / Ljubljana / Slovenia


Approach and Main Aims

  • Build on synergies across existing research partnerships and informal networks to create a broad network of researchers, practitioners, and activists from Europe and beyond who engage with small towns or share related interests.
  • Bridge the perception gap in urban and spatial research by enhancing the visibility of work on small towns.
  • Systematically document research and activities in the field of small-town research and planning.
  • Establish models of cooperation across research and practice and develop locally embedded approaches to address the specific needs of small towns, overcoming the shortcomings of traditional research and planning instruments that often do not fit small towns' spatial relations.



  • Analysis of urban fabric types, as small towns show development ranging from shrinking to growth in various spatial positions.
  • Morphology and social life, focusing on centrality and urban-rural relationships.
  • Small towns as enhanced, independent living environments.
  • Demographic developments, social structures, and participation.
  • Governance structures and local appropriation of public policy.
  • Place-based approaches for negotiating urban futures to create opportunities.
  • Narratives ranging from place identities to revitalization and regeneration strategies.
  • Programs and strategies across multiple government levels and institutions aimed at small towns.
  • Planning and design instruments for steering urban development in small towns.
  • The role of the productive economy in local development of small towns.
  • Opportunities and challenges in finances, economy, housing, leisure, transport, and social infrastructures.