Conversations in Planning

‘Conversations in Planning Theory and Practice’ is a collaborative e-publication project between the Young Academic network and AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning). The booklet project aims to document conversations between two generations of scholars about theories, ideas, concepts and practices that matter in planning in an inviting and explanatory way that allows the readers to engage with the discussion easily.
The booklets are carefully put together and blind peer-reviewed, i.e., they host comments by people indicated by Senior Scholar that highlights parts of his/her work in a manner that helps to elaborate on the essence of the conversation in knowledge creation. Simultaneously, this was the first product to appear on AESOP’s digital platform for publication, which facilitated the dissemination of this library with everyone and at a minimal cost.

Editor in Chief
Università degli studi di Bergamo, Italy
Editorial Board Member
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK
Editorial Board Member
Università degli studi di Padova, Italy
Editorial Board Member
TU Berlin, Germany
Editorial Board Member
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Editorial Board Member
Cardiff University, UK
/David Akinwamide
Editorial Board Member
Edinburgh Napier University, UK
Senior Advisor
Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
Senior Advisor
University of Catania, Italy
Senior Advisor
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany


Jean Hillier (RMIT, Australia) in conversation with Gareth Abrahams (2014) (Exploring foundations for planning theory)- Author(s): Jean Hillier (RMIT, Australia) and Gareth Abrahams (Cardiff University, UK)
Andreas Faludi (TU Delft, the Netherlands) in conversations with Chandrima Mukhopadhyay (2015) (Exploring the abstractions in the Planning debate) – Author(s): Chandrima Mukhopadhyay (Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; CEPT University, India)
Judith Innes (UC Berkeley, USA) in conversations with Leonard Machler and Dan Miltz (2015) (Exploring the abstractions in the Planning debate) – Author(s): Leonard Machler (University of British Columbia, Canada) and Dan Miltz (University of Illinois Chicago, USA & SUNNY Plattsburgh)
Kristian Olesen in conversation with Louis Albrechts (KU Leuven, Belgium) (2017) (Exploring Place Matters in Planning Practice) – Author: Kristian Olesen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Ananya Roy (UCLA Luskin, USA) in conversation with Sara Hinkley and Jennifer Tucker (2018) (Exploring the abstractions in the Planning debate) – Author(s): Sara Hinkley (University of California, Berkeley, USA) and Jennifer Tucker (University of New Mexico, USA)
Susan Fainstein (Harvard University, USA) in conversation with Cuz Potter and Sai Balakrishnan (2019) – Author(s): Cuz Potter (Korea University) and Sai Balakrishnan (Harvard University, USA)
Michael Gunder in conversations with Chuan Wang (2019) – Author(s): Michael Gunder (University of Auckland, New Zealand) and Chuan Wang (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Mario Paris in conversation with Alessandro Balducci (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) (2019)- Author(s): Mario Paris (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Larry Susskind (MIT, USA) in conversation with Shekhar Chandra (MIT, USA)
Vanessa Watson (School of Architecture Planning and Geomatics, African Ventre for Cities, University of Cape Town) in conversation with Aditya Kumar and Ananya Ramesh.
Special Issue on Planning Practices and Theories from the Global South focusing on planning for less-affluent communities and a role for planning to safeguard the interests of underprivileged groups