- Details
- Parent Category: THEMATIC GROUPS
- Category: Public Spaces and Urban Cultures
Event Summary
The event involves tracing the stories behind innovative appropriations of public space, identifying related dilemmas and formulating research questions. Prior to the event, we will liaise with locals to design an alternative city guide inspired by a set of broad, yet timely themes. We will dwell on the challenges locals are confronted with, and the interventions they envision as potentially enriching the city. When presented with the opportunity to consult a broad, experienced and interested audience, what are the questions they would like to raise? The resulting city guide will enable the event participants to experience local everyday practices through thematic tours, which present alternative narratives of the city.
During the thematic tours, targeted interventions and exercises co-designed with local participants will provide opportunities for debate and reflection. How do these interventions ‘perform the place’ and alter/disrupt/enhance relationships? The combination of activities will shed light on questions of learning, ownership and empowerment, as well as setting the scene for future explorations and revisions of the alternative city guide. Here, public space is playground in a broad sense – we learn and reflect by seeking connections with locally active people and designed objects not just as ‘quick’ passers-by, but as observers and participants, and by conducting Action Research. The explorations performed during the conference aim to unpack the complex character of current and emergent urban challenges, to address those challenges both within community forums and plenary sessions, and to enable further learning and collaborative projects through the use of an open access data platform.
The programme in short
Day 1: Opening with Arjan van Timmeren, keynote by Colin McFarlane, beginning of fieldwork and thematic tours
Day 2: Continuing thematic tours, with neighbourhood forums and local performances
Themes: 1. The city of mass tourism; 2. The circular city (of water, food, energy flows); 3. The ludic city (of play, sports, experimentation); 4. Urban densification and the informal city; 5. The city of alternative ecologies.
Day 3: Roundtables, consolidation for impact, looking into the future
Our website in the making with organisers, more elaborate explanations and developments:
Unlike in regular conferences, you will be actively involved in field activities and workshops. Thus, for the registration please submit no later than May 18th (a) short bio and (b) abstract of max 300 words, which indicates how your background, expertise, and research challenges align with your potential contribution to the event. Email:
To facilitate participation from a broad range of researchers and practitioners, there are no fees for the event. This is also the policy of the Public Space and Urban Cultures Working Group of AESOP.
Expectations from participants
Before the event: Submission of bio’s and abstracts (see under registration).
During the event: Sharing insights with local participants, based on own research, participate in neighborhood forums, participate in roundtables during the thematic tours, and the plenary session on the third day. Every participant will also gather insights during the event that will be shared to address the identified questions.
After the event: Submit a manuscript to the special issue/write a short post for the event blog.
Why Amsterdam?
The city of Amsterdam takes pride in emphasizing that it is owned by its citizens, even its visitors (IAmsterdam). As part of the “WeMakeTheCity” initiative, the ‘we’ is made up of creative entrepreneurs, an energetic society and a responsive government. There is an ongoing effort to develop inclusive solutions, and democratize decision-making and policy implementation. Amsterdam is therefore a salient case for exploring public space, learning together about questions of ownership and empowerment.
On the day of the event we will meet at the Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS) Institute: Mauritskade 62, 1092 AD Amsterdam. The afternoon of the first day and the second day will be spent on our bicycles and in the neighborhoods. On the third day we will meet again at the AMS.
AESOP is the European Association of European Schools of Planning. AESOP is a large organization convening on a yearly basis. To organize its work throughout the year, it has a variety of thematic working groups. One of these groups focuses on “public space and urban cultures”. The main aim of the group is to generate an international and interdisciplinary exchange between the research and practices on public spaces and urban cultures. By doing so, it aims to support research, planning and a design agenda within and beyond the AESOP community. Our event is connected to the work performed in this thematic WG: urban cultures and public spaces
- Details
- Parent Category: THEMATIC GROUPS
- Category: Transportation planning and policy
The Faculty of Landscape and Society has a vacant permanent position as Professor/Associate Professor in land use and transport planning in urban regions at Department of urban and regional planning.
The Faculty has 1300 students and 180 staff. It consists of five sub-units, carrying out research and education in the fields of urban and regional planning, property management and law, landscape architecture, international environment and development studies, and public health.
The Department of Urban and Regional Planning has 28 staff and 7 PhD students, with backgrounds in urban and regional planning, environmental and landscape planning, architecture, human geography, political science and sociology. Their expertise engages with theory, practice and methodology in spatial planning at different scales and in urban and rural areas, land use and transport planning, place development and place making, sustainable urban development, and environmental and landscape planning. The department is active in research, education and outreach. It has responsibility for a 5-year master programme in Urban and Regional Planning, with around 160 students.
Academic field
We seek candidates with an excellent track record in teaching and research with a passion for academic activities at the interface of land use and transport planning in urban regions.
We seek persons with knowledge in spatial and procedural aspects of land use and transport planning. The successful applicant will have extensive research-based knowledge about interrelations between land use, transport infrastructure and travel behaviour in urban regions. This may include expertise in one or both of the following areas: societal driving forces influencing urban-regional land use and transport development, and relevant planning and impact assessment methods. The applicants must also have a broad knowledge of planning systems and their procedures, plans, preconditions and effects on development. Knowledge of Norwegian local and regional urban and transport planning will be an asset.
Main tasks
You will contribute to the development of research and education in collaboration with colleagues, relevant research group and study program committees. This includes taking part in student courses, supervision and to establish new research and educational activities in the broad area of planning.
You will also take part in the academic administration at the faculty as participation in the management of study programs, research groups, faculty committees etc.
Academic qualifications
The applicants must have a PhD or a corresponding degree with an excellent record in research and education. Applicants from relevant fields including planning, landscape architecture/architecture, social sciences and the humanities are welcomed to apply.
All candidates should also have experience of working in multi-disciplinary environments and be internationally oriented. Candidates should have strong national and international networks and will have the ability to initiate and take part in the national and international collaboration. It is also necessary with good collaborative skills.
Research and educational experience from EU/ERA/ERASMUS+, Norwegian Research Council and other national research councils is highly relevant and will be an important asset.
Experiences in public communicating are preferable.
Candidates must be willing to contribute to a positive and inclusive working environment, be present at Campus and be able to communicate effectively with students, employers, stakeholders and the wider society.
Good oral and written skills in English are required. Applicants who do not speak a Scandinavian language will be required to acquire oral and written working knowledge of a Scandinavian language within three years.
Criteria for appointment follows national regulations, NMBUs guidelines and national guidelines:
- Criteria for appointment as an associated professor is a Norwegian doctoral degree or a corresponding foreign doctoral degree or competence at a corresponding level documented by academic work of the same scope, and quality and documented competence in relevant educational theory and/or practice based on teaching and supervision.
- Criteria for appointment as a professor is an academic level conforming to international or national standards, and documented competence in relevant educational theory and/or practice, based on teaching and supervision. NMBU´s guidelines require that applicants at professor level normally have successfully been the main supervisor for at least two PhD candidates. National guidelines require that the applicants normally have scope to teach in another area than their main speciality.
NMBU offers:
- An optimistic and forward-looking academic institution with a strong emphasis on professional development and outreach.
- An interdisciplinary and inclusive environment that provides exciting research and development opportunities.
- Daily contact with inspiring students and skilled colleagues.
- Various welfare schemes.
- Beautiful surroundings just outside Oslo.
The selected candidate will be appointed as Associate Professor (1011 Førsteamanuensis), within the salary frame 63-77 (NOK 548 200 – 722 400) or Professor (1013 Professor), within the salary frame 72-82 (NOK 650 200 – 838 300), depending on qualifications.
A compulsory contribution of 2% is made to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.
Further information
For further information, please contact Head of Department Professor Tim Richardson, phone: +47 67231230 (email:
To apply online for this vacancy, please click on the 'Apply for this job' button above. This will route you to the University's Web Recruitment System, where you will need to register an account (if you have not already) and log in before completing the online application form.
Application deadline: 28.01.2018
Key publications
The application must include a covering letter, a CV, a list of peer-reviewed publications, a reflection on your research of 1-2 pages, an account of your teaching experience of 1-2 pages, and copies of certificates and transcripts. Please note that incomplete applications and applicants without a PhD or a corresponding degree will be excluded from the assessment process.
Up to ten relevant publications may be submitted electronically with the application. If the applicant has participated in multiple-author publications, a short explanation about the applicant’s contribution to each work is requested.
Applicants invited for an interview are expected to present certified copies of their diplomas and certificates and may be invited to give a trial lecture.
Applications must be written in English and submitted electronically through the link «Apply for this job” on the top of this page.
A good working environment is characterised by diversity. We encourage qualified candidates to apply, irrespective of gender, physical ability or cultural background. The workplace will if necessary be facilitated for persons with disabilities.
According to the Freedom of Information Act § 25 the list of applicants for this position may be made public irrespective of whether the applicant has requested that his/her name be withheld.
- Details
- Parent Category: THEMATIC GROUPS
- Category: Transportation planning and policy
Since the late 1990s, it has been well established in the transport geography literatures that full participation in our contemporary societies requires high degrees of mobility. Following the seminal UK SEU report (2003), a large body of international research has highlighted the connection between transport and social exclusion. Despite these early insights, equity concerns are still poorly integrated within transport policy. Challenges remain to change our transport systems to support more inclusive, socially sustainable mobilities that also respect the planetary environmental boundaries.
This session welcomes both theoretical and empirical contributions that discuss the interactions between the mobility landscape and social inequalities in different geographical contexts. Invited topics under the general theme are open, but some suggestions are:
• Relationships between the mobilities, accessibilities and social inclusion landscape and the fractures therein;
• New theoretical perspectives - mobilities turn, urban and transport justice, capabilities approach, future ecologies, political ecology, etc.;
• Novel methods to identify the accessibility and mobility needs, concerns and perceptions of disadvantaged groups;
• The role of mobilities in fostering the livelihoods and wellbeing of local communities;
• Linkages between mobilities, social capital and social exclusion in different geographical contexts, and mobility cultures;
• The social dimensions of sustainable transport policies, and their ability of protecting the rights of future generations;
• Social equity in the context of transport policy and project appraisal and evaluation;
• Including diverse voices and localised participation in transport planning processes.
Full details of the conference can be found here<>
Postgraduate research students are particularly encouraged to submit a paper for this session. TGRG has a small prize for the best postgraduate presentation in any TGRG session at the RGS-IBG 2018 Conference. If you wish to enter for the Postgraduate Prize a full paper should be submitted to the Chair and Secretary of TGRG prior to the conference date for judging. For more information and to find out about entry criteria please contact TGRG postgraduate rep Deborah Mifsud (
If you are interested in presenting a paper, please submit an abstract of your work (up to 300 words) along with authors’ names, affiliations and contacts by Friday 9th February 2018 to the session convenors:
• Professor Karen Lucas, University of Leeds,
• Dr Daniel Oviedo, University College London,
• Dr Ersilia Verlinghieri, University of Oxford,
- Details
- Parent Category: THEMATIC GROUPS
- Category: Transportation planning and policy
Call for Papers
European Transport Conference 2018, Dublin Castle
The Association of European Transport is delighted to publish the call for papers for ETC 2018 at Dublin Castle.
The Association is keen that the papers presented at the Conference address themes of relevance to the transport policy agenda in Europe and worldwide – from a research, policy or practice angle.
papers that fit within programme committees’ areas of interest are very welcome. An exciting new programme committee on Data is planned for ETC 2018, with a view to cater for the growth and diversity of papers expected in this broad all-encompassing subject. The programme committees that are in place for the 2018 ETC, and their mission statements, can be found on the Programme committee web page.
The document with the general call for papers can be found for downoad at the bottom of this page.
Specific calls for papers of the programme committees will be added after publication of the general call for papers on 20 December .
Some key themes that interest the organisers and Programme Committees see emerging are:
New Mobility patterns, Digitisation and Mobility as a Service
Automated Driving and Connected Vehicles / Infrastructure
Mobility for Liveable Cities, including Urban Mobility, air quality, health and active travel
TEN-T extension to the Balkans and the further east, the new silk road
Air Transport and Travel
The Wider Economic Benefits of Transport Investment
We welcome papers on research, operational deployment, policy discussion, thought leadership and we want to hear from anyone interested to use ETC 2018 as a platform to hold your final project dissemination event in a parallel collocated stream. If you are interested in disseminating project results you can find more information here.
Upload your abstract here
Abstract submission is open until 6 February 2018.
After closing of the abstract submission the paper selection for the 2018 conference will commence. Authors will receive notification of acceptance in April.
- Details
- Parent Category: THEMATIC GROUPS
- Category: Transportation planning and policy
Call for Papers on “Current and Emerging Research in Transport”
RGS with IBG Annual International Conference, 28-31 August 2018, Cardiff, UK.
Session sponsored by Transport Geography Research Group.
Session convenors:
Deborah Mifsud (University of Malta) -
Freke Caset (Ghent University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel) -
Samuel Nello-Deakin (University of Amsterdam) -
We are inviting abstract submissions from postgraduate students to a TGRG sponsored session at the 2018 RGS IBG Annual International Conference titled “Current and Emerging Research in Transport”.
This session is aimed at postgraduate students conducting research in any aspect of transport geography. It's an open-themed session, but we particularly welcome papers which address the wider conference theme (Geographical Landscapes/Changing Landscapes of Geography) from a transport perspective. Our event hosts a wide range of presentations and is always well attended. Current and emerging research in transport provides a relaxed, supportive atmosphere for postgraduates at any stage of their research to present their work in progress, to share ideas and to discuss synergies.
Every year the TGRG rewards a postgraduate prize for the best postgraduate contribution in any TGRG session at the RGS-IBG 2018 Conference. If you wish to enter for the prize, you need to submit a full paper prior to the conference. Please get in touch with the TGRG postgraduate representatives (see session convenors above) for more information.
If you interested in presenting a paper in this session, please submit to the session convenors the following information by Friday 9 February 2018:
Title, authors, affiliations and addresses, presenter and abstract (300 words).
- Guiding Principles for City Climate Action Planning from UN HABITAT
- mobil.TUM 2018 International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport
- Call for Papers THE URBANIZATION of (IN)JUSTICE. Public spaces in uncertain geographies