- Details
- Parent Category: THEMATIC GROUPS
- Category: Planning and Complexity
Conference program
The workshop was hosted by the Department of Spatial Planning and Environment, Faculty of Spatial Sciences, University of Groningen, the Netherlands. The workshop took place on May 23th-25th, 2018.
The conference included:
- four keynote speakers
- 25 inspiring talks
- 3 workshops
The presentation files can be found at the right >>
Day 1 - Wednesday 23 May 2018
10:00 Registration with coffee (Room: Atrium)
10:30 Opening by Fleur Gräper - Deputy Province of Groningen (Room: Atrium)
10:45 Welcome by Ward Rauws + Hello Game (Room: Atrium)
11:40 Keynote Prof. Michael Batty (Room: Topweer)
12:40 Lunch (Room: Topweer)
13:30 Energizer (Room: Topweer)
13:45 Parallel sessions
Authors: Stephen Marshall and Nick Green
Title: Measuring and mapping organized complexity
Session Chair: Stefan Verweij
Discussant: Stefan Hartman
Authors: Hans Bil and Geert Teisman
Title: Elaborating complexification: an emerging practice in which governments modestly enhance the complexity of decision-making in order to deal more effectively with societal issues
Discussant: Christian Lamker
15:15 Coffee break (Room: Topweer)
15:30 Mini-workshop: Adaptive planning - Ward Rauws (Room: Topweer)
16:15 Coffee break (Room: Topweer)
16:30 Parallel sessions
Session Chair: Ulysses Sengupta
Authors: Solon Soloumou, Ulysses Sengupta and Robert Hyde
Title: A strategic planning problem: examining the unpredictability of urban transformation based on the changing temporal order of planned projects
Discussant: Stephen Marshall
Title: Brownfield development in the light of great housing demand. Building feasibility scenarios in a complex and politicized environment.
Discussant: Mariëlle Prins
Understanding complexity: political dynamics & planners’ roles (Room: Topweer / Format: Classic setup)
Author: Nils Björling
Title: Ecologies: politicizing complex adaptive systems
Discussant: Beitske Boonstra
Author: Christian Lamker
Title: Rethinking planning processes as role-systems – puzzling towards playful spaces of transformation
Authors: Jasper Meekes, Dorina Buda and Gert de Roo
Title: Lessons from complexity: theoretical implications for planning based on the study of leisure-led regional development
Discussant: Ines Portugal
18:00 Drinks (Land van Kokanje, Bar Bubbels)
Day 2 - Thursday 24 May 2018
09:00 Parallel sessions
Author: Angelique Chettiparamb
Title: Responding to a Complex World: Explorations in spatial planning
Discussant: Christian Zuidema
Authors: Mark Zandvoort and Maarten van der Vlist
Title: Planning for infrastructure replacement strategies under uncertainty
Discussant: Javier Ruiz Sánchez
Authors: Camilla Perrone and Gert de Roo
Title: Planning and rationality: a multi layered perspective
Discussant: David Andersson
Author: Sharon Zivkovic
Title: Systemic Innovation Labs: A lab approach for addressing wicked problems
Authors: Emma Puerari and Timo von Wirth
Title: Urban living labs as local transition experiments: a new way of navigation spatial transformations?
Author: Mariëlle Prins
Landing airports. Analysing the transformation of airport areas.
Discussant: Bart Rijke
10:30 Coffee break (Room: Topweer)
11:00 Keynote Prof. Juval Portugali (Room: Topweer)
12:00 Lunch break (Room: Topweer)
13:00 Energizer (Room: Topweer)
13:15-16:15 Workshop with the Province of Groningen (Room: Topweer)
19:00 Dinner (‘t Feithuis)
Day 3 - Friday 25 May 2018
09:00 Parallel sessions (Topweer and Boerdam)
Session Chair: Christian Lamker
Author: Sharon Wohl
Title: Boosting transformative capacity: cultivating affordances within the apparatus of self-organizing urban spaces
Author: Mohamed Saleh
Title: Rethinking planning’s perspective on urban ruptures: the contextual tensions of post-politics in Egypt as illustrative case
Author: Beitske Boonstra
Title: Unplanned or other planned – spatial planning, self-organization and intentionality during the 2015-2016 European refugee crisis
Discussant: Emma Puerari
Authors: David Emanuel Andersson, Fred Folvary and Luca Minola
Title: Fiscal principles for the self-organizing city
Author: Koen Bandsma
Title: Nudging the self-organization process: under which conditions do urban planners perceive nudging an effective instrument to guide processes of self-organization
Authors: Eric Cheung and Ulysses Sengupta
Title: Enabling sustainable mobility: an ICT approach to enabling landscapes for bottom-up processes
Discussant: Claudia Yamu
10:30 Coffee break (Room: Topweer)
11:00 Duo-keynote Prof. Jean Hillier & Prof. Gert de Roo (Room: Topweer)
12:30 Lunch break (Room: Topweer)
13:30 Parallel sessions
Session Chair: Emma Puerari
Discussant: Hans Bil
Author: Ines Portugal
Title: Moving beyond a reductionist approach: Potential for Agent-based modelling and Cellular Automata applications in tourism planning
Discussant: Jasper Meekes
14:30 Coffee & Closing (Room: Topweer)
15:00 End
- Details
- Parent Category: THEMATIC GROUPS
- Category: Public Spaces and Urban Cultures
AESOP Thematic Group on Public Spaces and Urban Cultures
REPORT on the group’s meeting in Vienna, Austria, held within the framework of “UNSETTLED – Urban routines, temporalities and contestations” International Conference in Vienna, organized by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space (SkuOR), 29-31 MARCH 2017 at TU Wien.
The working meeting of the AESOP TG Public Spaces and Urban Cultures took place during the “UNSETTLED – Urban routines, temporalities and contestations” International Conference in Vienna in March 2017. Under the theme of "Unstable Geographies - Dislocated Publics" AESOP Thematic Group for Public Spaces and Urban Cultures proposed meetings in Beirut, Lebanon (10th/11th November 16), Vienna, Austria (29/30th March 17), Ljubljana, Slovenia (25th/26th May 17), Lisbon, Portugal (July 17), Rome, Italy (fall 2017), Wageningen, The Netherlands (fall 2017/spring 2018) and Nikosia, Cyprus (spring 2018).
The conference aimed to explore conditions and conceptions of the unsettled, across urban practice and urban theory. In this context, the interdisciplinary conference speakers reported from experiences in Amsterdam, Berlin, Birmingham, Chicago, Dubai, Ghent, Hanoi, Seattle, Tel-Aviv, Texas, Thessaloniki, Toronto, Vienna, Whitechapel (London), and Zataari (Jordan) emphasizing urban culture and public space as areas for intersecting research and action. The contributions presented critical, subversive, reflexive, interventionist, activist and visionary research, ideas and practices concerning notions of the unsettled
Continuing and expanding the debates of the conference, the TG meeting in Vienna took place on the add-on day, consisting of a workshop and excursions to different sites in Vienna: 31 March 2017, 9.00 – 11.30 (Workshop); 12.00 – 15.00 (Excursions).
The workshop under the title “Our Unsettled Geographies” hosted by the AESOP TG for Public Spaces and Urban Cultures was divided into two parts.
The first part was intended to introduce the Thematic Group’s values, structure and activities to all interested parties. The opening was made by Sabine Knierbein, TU Wien, Austria and Gabriela Esposito de Vita, CNR and University Federico II Naples, Italy, giving a concise presentation on the Group’s general aims, group organisation and proceedings as well as a short description of the current umbrella topic “Unstable geographies - Dislocated Publics”. The presentation was followed by a short summary of different experiences within the Thematic Group given by Katarzyna Bartoszewicz from Gdansk University of Technology, Poland and Elina Kränzle and Tihomir Viderman from TU Wien, Austria. After the presentation the time was given for workshop participants to ask questions and exchange views and ideas on the topic of the group’s functioning and goals. The TG Public Spaces and Urban Cultures invited all interested participants of the workshop to join the structures of the group, and opened up the discussion on new modes of cooperation in the future.
The second part of the workshop was devoted to the presentation of research of the following speakers:
Marleen Buizer (Wageningen University, The Netherlands) The ‘right to challenge’ – settled or unsettled business, settling or unsettling practice;
Sahar Khoshnood (TU Darmstadt, Germany) Revisiting Historical Public Spaces as ‘Everyday’ Heritage (in the case of central Tehran);
Shahed Saleem and Sarah Milne (UCL, UK) Migrant Constructions of Identity and Belonging: Whitechapel’s German and Muslim Religious Buildings;
Anna Richter, Bernd Kniess, Dominique Peck (HafenCity University Hamburg) How to do things with research.
After the research presentations a discussion followed regarding different notions of unsettled, locally-embedded perspectives on the city, urban societies and urbanization processes, public space accommodating diverse cultural values. Participants reflected on presented research, projects and programmes as well as urban policies and practices in the light of conference‘s debates with a special focus on broadening understanding of the paradigm of the unsettled in urban cultures and public spaces.
During the debate members of the research networkTracceUrbane joined the workshop, introducing the next event to be held in Rome (December 11th-13th, 2017).
Finally the introduction was made to the AESOP Annual Congress 2017* in Lisbon and an invitation to join the formal AESOP Thematic Group Meeting to be held on Thursday 13th July 2017.
The excursions following the AESOP TG Public Spaces and Urban Cultures workshop were open to all the conference participants and offered insights into specificities and approaches in urban practices in regard to community strengthening, negotiations, transformations as well as conflicts and contestations in public spaces of the city of Vienna:
Community Cooking is a Caritas Wien project that has been running since 2015, offering a kitchen to the neighborhood surrounding the Brotfabrik Wien. Lisa Plattner & Sam Osborn
Logic of the Open Space - On Design Processes and Negotiation Practices in Public Space, Local Urban Renewal Office GB*7/8/16 & GB*9/17/18. Barbara Jeitler & Manfred Schwaba & Amila Širbegović
Spaces of contestation in a “settled” City, INURA Vienna. Justin Kadi & Bettina Köhler & Johannes Puchleitner & Mara Verlic
Report by Katarzyna Bartoszewicz, Gdansk University of Technology, faculty of Archictecture, department of Urban Planning, Gdansk, Poland
- Details
- Parent Category: THEMATIC GROUPS
- Category: Public Spaces and Urban Cultures
A joint event of EU Human Cities partnership and Association of European School of Planning (AESOP) Thematic Group Public Spaces and Urban Cultures hosted by Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (UIRS) and University of Ljubljana, Faculty of architecture (UL-FA), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24 May 2017.
Shared values in diversified urban communities as a foundation for participatory provision of local public spaces.
The Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (UIRS) and partners hosted a 5-day international event addressing participatory planning of local urban public space in socially, economically and ethnically diverse communities. The event was structured in three interrelated activities: a seminar, a workshop and a field-trip. Special emphasis was given to the means of revealing shared values that local inhabitants and other users of local environments have in common, and are an important base for collaborative improvements of local environments.
This joint event was the meeting point between two different European work groups: Human Cities and the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP).
On the one hand, the AESOP Thematic Group Public Spaces and Urban Cultures (AESOP TG PSUC)values a critical and constructive dialogue on the processes relating to series of events related to its current umbrella theme UNSTABLE GEOGRAPHIES – DISLOCATED PUBLICS (2016-2018). Meetings of the AESOP TG PSUC equally involve researchers and practitioners, locals and guests. The proposed umbrella topic aims to explore and rethink relations amongst different concepts and meanings related to (1) cities facing austerity, crisis, and a variety of migration patterns, and (2) to civic responses, such as emerging practices of self-organization, social innovation, and planners’ investments in building solidarity, hope, and trust. The topic has been approached in a dialectical manner and conceived as a dynamic framework that allows for the exploration of various (relational) aspects of public spaces and urban cultures, as well as socio-theoretical approaches to critically investigate and shape these spaces and cultures.
On the other hand, the European partnership Human Cities (2008-2010, 2010-2012, 2014-2018) is addressing the issue of citizen participation in contemporary urban design. A particular focus is on bottom-up initiatives that self-organize in order to improve public spaces in their living environments. Important pillars of the project are research, experimental and educational activities related to public spaces. The main goal is two-fold: (1) to help citizens develop their affinity with common urban spaces and strengthen their approaches to participatory re-design of these spaces; (2) to advance the theoretical foundations in the field of participatory provision of urban public spaces. It also stresses the importance of citizen's shared values in relation to their public urban spaces, such as empathy, wellbeing, intimacy, sustainability, conviviality, mobility, accessibility, imagination, leisure, aesthetics, sensoriality, solidarity and respect.
On the first day of the event, 23 May 2017, Stefania Ragozino (IRISS CNR) held a lecture titled Possible trajectories to navigate neo-liberal urbanism in UK. Hybrid organizations to implement activist planning. She presented a heritage-led regeneration process led by a social cultural enterprise which is a rather new approach in Slovenian context and encouraged lively debate among the discussants.
On the second day, 24 May 2017, a Human Cities & AESOP joined seminar PUBLIC SPACES FOR LOCAL LIFE was held in the Faculty of Architecture (UL) of Ljubljana in Slovenia.The seminar was started by Matej Nikšič (UIRS) with a short introduction of the Ljubljana’s Human Cities Event, followed by the welcome speeches by the director of Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (UIRS) Igor Bizjak and the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana Peter Gabrijelčič.
The past and ongoing activities of Human Cities partnership in Europe and specifically in St. Etienne (France) were introduced by the international lead of the project Josyane Franc (Cité du design), while Stefania Ragozino (IRISS CNR) presented aims and activities of AESOP’s Thematic Group for Public Space and Urban Cultures.
The keynote speech was given by Davide Fassi from the Politecnico di Milano. He presented actions in the public spaces that are based on co-design principles and enable people to make things happen in their living environments. He pointed out the role of universities in local communities as activators and developers of prototypes in cooperation with local residents, who take the role of not only beneficiaries but also activists that can sustain these activities in a long term.
After the keynote two authors had the opportunity to argue on the topics they proposed to an open call for contributions. Boštjan Bugarič (Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana) explained his work on communication tools for designing public space, while Tomaž Pipan (Biotechnical Faculty, UL) gave a lecture on spatial data and interaction technologies in public participation. The first session and the discussion was moderated by Stefania Ragozino (IRISS CNR).
In a second part of the seminar, many authors presented their research or practical work in a form of pechakucha – presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each. Vincent Chukwuemeka (Department of Architecture, Ghent) introduced his thesis related to collective spaces of informal and formal markets as drivers of self-organisation processes of urban growth on the case of Nigeria. Merve Demiroz (Polytechnic of Turin) presented potentials of self-organized communities in the urban regeneration on the case of Izmir, Turkey. The role of open space for the healthy childhood and active ageing was presented by Katarina Ana Lestan (Biotechnical Faculty, UL), while Marta Popaszkiewicz (Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw) talked about the commonly created public spaces on the case of Warsaw local centers. Vojko Vavpotič (Local renewal office of Planina neighbourhood, Kranj) explained how they are pioneering the establishment of a local regeneration office – first of its kind in Slovenia. Andrej Pogačnik addressed the topic of the reconstruction of unbuilt areas within housing communities and exposed the privatization issues. Similarly, Zala Velkavrh (KD prostoRož) tackled the issue of ownership in the renewal of public spaces in residential neighbourhoods, which is characteristic for the post socialist cities. Ewa Gołębiowska (Zamek Cieszyn) elaborated on the need of comprehensive approach to urban regeneration on the case of mobility issues in her city. Ilona Gurjanova (Estonian Association of Designers) concluded the session by arguing that in order to enjoy urban public open space fully one also needs to have a chance of escape into his intimate, relaxation space. Second session was moderated by Stefania Ragozino (IRISS CNR, AESOP TG representative) and Weronika Mazurkiewicz (Gdansk University of Technology, AESOP TG representative). After pechakucha presentations all presenters and audience had fruitful and inspiring debates about the issue presented during the session. This second part of the seminar was closed by Matej Nikšič (UIRS) who also introduced the final session.
The concluding session was opened by Luka Skansi (Faculty of Architecture, Reka and Ljubljana) who made an introduction of Ruski Carneighbourhood, in which the next day of the event a workshop was going to be held. He exposed the basic urban planning and design principles that guided the conception of the neighbourhood and put them in a broader context of what was then Yugoslav and international urban planning. The final presentation was given by Damjana Zaviršek Hudnik from civil initiative Skupaj na ploščad!who presented the already existing participatory approaches at Bratovševa ploščad, the central open space of Ruski carneighbourhood.
On the third day, 25 May 2017, a series of workshops took place in the northern outskirt of Ljubljana, in the Ruski car neighbourhood.
First workshop PHOTOSTORY OF OUR NEIGHBOURHOOD was led by Matej Nikšič and Biba Tominc (UIRS). The workshop was a re-dress of a 2016 action when the residents of housing estates in Slovenia and abroad were invited to analyze their living environments through photography and attached captions. The participants walked through the estate with their cameras and took pictures of the neighbourhood with five analytical categories in mind. At the end of the workshop, they submitted the photos to the digital archives along with the captions to be later added to UIRS’s page to the Photostory of our neighbourhood.
Second workshop WE DRAW! A SKETCHWALK THROUGH THE NEIGHBORHOOD was organized by Tanja Simonič Korošak (Studio TSK). Participants learned how to use 'shorthand' sketchbook technique to draw objects, landscapes and people. On a walk through the neighborhood they stopped at three places, and by drawing the observed scenes and events, became part of these places. That way, experience became not only visual, but multi-sensorial. Followed by short demonstration of sketching, the participants tried to capture into their sketchbooks the action in open public space and people in the urban context. At the end the sketches were digitalized.
Third workshop CO-DESIGNING LOCAL PUBLIC SPACES WITH CHILDREN – LET'S MAKE NEIGHBOURS' CORNER was organized by Nina Goršič (UIRS) Damjana Zaviršek Hudnik and Sandra Banfi Škrbec (Skupaj na ploščad!). In this workshop participants worked together to set up two nodes of encounter at Bratovševa ploščad. Thus, they created a small point in space where they tried to incorporate a variety of activities that can connect the inhabitants of residential area while entertaining, gardening, reading, caring for plants and animals, etc. They built the insects&birds house, added a bulletin board to one of them and knjigobežnica – a bookshelf – to the other. They completed the new arrangements by planting honey-plants. Local herbalists and pupils from local primary school also joined this workshop.
The fourth workshop SETTING UP AN OPEN-AIR MEETING ROOM was organized by Alenka Fikfak, Miha Konjar, Janez Grom and Urša Kalčič (Faculty of architecture, Ljubljana). Workshop followed the invited call for ideas to the students of the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana to thinking of a "gathering space" at Bratovševa platform under the patronage of Lafarge Ltd. The participants together with students set up a temporary wooden pavilion. The pavilion is inviting residents to pause in open public space and at the same time serves as an exhibition space for the students' submitted projects proposals during summer months.
The day ended with official opening of the HUMAN CITIES EXHIBITION LJUBLJANA at four different locations in the neighborhood. The official opening talk was held by the president of the local council Amir Crnojević. First exhibition titled SHARED VALUES OF HUMAN CITIES addressed the importance of the values that local inhabitants share in order to set up common visions for the future of their living environments in general and public spaces in particular. The second section of the exhibition titled PUBLIC SPACE AND PARTICIPATION THROUGH THE EYES OF CHILDREN presented the process and results of seven workshops with local children rising various questions related to participatory urbanism and culture of built space. The third section titled PHOTOSTORY OF OUR NEIGHBOURHOOD presented winning photos that were submitted to the public call for analytical photo-stories of large housing estates. The last exhibition titled STUDENTS' IDEAS FOR BRATOVŠEVA PLOŠČAD presented the ideas of future young urban planners for the redesign of Bratovševa pločad. Along the exhibition opening UIRS awarded the winners of the Photostory of our neighborhood competition and the call for student’s ideas.
The evening program of the third day of the event was the opening of BIO 25 at the Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO) and the installation at Županova jama cave near Ljubljana.
The morning of the fourth day, 26 May 2017, was reserved for a technical meeting of Human Cities. In the afternoon, a walking tour by an architect and urban planner Ivan Stanič (City of Ljubljana) revealed how the city of Ljubljana approached the urban regeneration of the central part of the city through public space improvements. The official programme ended by a nice boat trip along Ljubljanica river and later on at the Odprta kuhna/Open Kitchen, open-air restaurants place at Ljubljana Market.
Some conclusionscan be given about revealing shared values that local inhabitants and other users of local environments have in common as an important base for collaborative improvements of local environments. The different typologies of participants, the event organization and the interesting context of Ljubljana, have permitted to carry on a double in-depth analysis about issues of AESOP TG PSUC's current umbrella theme UNSTABLE GEOGRAPHIES – DISLOCATED PUBLICS (2016-2018); from one hand to observe, know and compare experiences came from different parts of the world linked together from a common objective – to give attention to people and to places they live; from another hand it was possible to develop themes shared both from the AESOP TG PSUC and Human Cities through the direct experience done in Ljubljana specifically in the Ruski car neighbourhood where a series of workshop have stimulated the interaction.
The meeting of people from different places of origin or working and their different roles, researchers, practitioners, local and guests, permitted a real theoretical and practical debate on AESOP TG PSUC's developing themes. More specifically, what does living public space during austerity mean, in which way self-organised activities can produce positive impact on communities, on planning policies and participatory practices, how to support citizens in re-designing their common space, and, the last but not the least, developed categories – empathy, wellbeing, intimacy, sustainability, conviviality, mobility, accessibility, imagination, leisure, aesthetics, sensoriality, solidarity and respect – helped to deal with several issues by identifying main themes and practical action to carry on.
Scientific committees:
- Alenka Fikfak, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Weronika Mazurkiewicz, Gdansk Politechnical University, Gdansk, Poland (AESOP TG representative)
- Matej Nikšič, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia (AESOP local host)
- Stefania Ragozino, Institute of Research for Innovation and Services for Development, Naples, Italy (AESOP TG representative)
Organizing committees:
- Heloise Gautier, Sciences Po Rennes, France
- Nina Goršič, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Blaž Jamšek, Civil initiative Skupaj na ploščad!, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Natalija Lapajne, Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Biba Tominc, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia (AESOP TG member)
- Damjana Zaviršek Hudnik, Civil initiative Skupaj na ploščad!, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Related links:
- Human Cities website:,
- Association of European Schools of Planning: Thematic Group for Public Spaces and Urban Cultures
- For more information on the meeting, please visit
- To read the Book of Contributions, please visit
- To see the catalogue of Human Cities exhibition, please visit
Report by Weronika Mazurkiewicz, Gdansk Politechnical University (Gdansk, Poland), Matej Nikšič, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (Ljubljana, Slovenia), Stefania Ragozino, Institute of Research for Innovation and Services for Development (Naples, Italy), Biba Tominc, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- Details
- Parent Category: THEMATIC GROUPS
- Category: Public Spaces and Urban Cultures
Matej Nikšič (Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia) and Ceren Sezer(Delft University of Technology) prepared a new special issue for the journal of Built Environment themed "Public space and urban justice". The issue brings together an international set of cases from Ankara, Amsterdam, Auckland, Beirut, Ljubljana and Medellin, which reflect on the question " what are the ways of studying public space to promote urban justice in the city?". The contributors of this special issue relate various qualities of public space to three aspects of the just city: diversity, equity and democracy. The special issue will be available by the end of June 2017. More information about this publication is available at the following link:
- Details
- Parent Category: THEMATIC GROUPS
- Category: Planning and Complexity
Land Use and Urban Planning:
Local Governments:
Local DRR and Resilience Strategies:
Other UNISDR publications can be found here:
- "Public space and the City" at the UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference 2017
- Annual Report for 2016
- Call for abstracts PUBLIC SPACES FOR LOCAL LIFE Shared values in diversified urban communities as a foundation for participatory provision of local public spaces
- Abstract and full paper submission of AESOP Annual Congress '17 Lisbon