The Thematic Group “Resilience and Risks Mitigation Strategies – RRMS” has the overall aim to enhance debate, educational coordination, research, policies and practices on resilience strategies and risk mitigation and adaptation for sustainable spatial development within Europe.


  • Co-organizing Track 19 Resilient and Sustainable Territories at the annual conference in Lisbon, 2017
  • Roundtable Vulnerability Analysis in Planning Education, AESOP conference, Lisbon 2017


PAST ACTIVITIES (most recent first)

  • Online survey of planning schools on education for disaster risk reduction launched in 2016.
  • Co-organise a track on Climate Change, Resource Management, Sustainability & Environmental World Planning Schools Conference (WPSC), Rio de Janeiro, 2016
  • Plenary session on planning educaton for disaster risk reduction at WPSC, 2016.
  • Roundtable on planning education for disaster risk reduction at Prague annual conference 2015 with support of UNISDR.
  • Special workshop on European Best Practices in RRMS for UNISDR – to be organized by Cassidy Johnson, DPU. London (tbd – possibly March 2014)
  • Prepare proposal for a Marie Curie Initial Training Network related to RRMS
  • Organise a roundtable at AESOP Congress, Delft/Utrecht The Netherlands
  • Organise thematic group meeting at AESOP Congress, Delft/Utrecht The Netherlands
  • open a debate among members for the development and the definition of a "shared glossary” on the concepts related to resilience and risk mitigation  (activity to be proposed during the 2014 AESOP Congress in Delft/Utrecht)
  • Upgrade communication infrastructure for RRMS (AESOP website, Linkedin, Facebook etc.)
  • 2013, July _ 15th AESOP-ACSP Joint congress in Dublin +  RRMS Meeting
  • 2012, July _ 26th Annual Congress in Ankara, Turkey - Session/track 12.Vulnerabilities, Risks and Mitigation Planning + RRMS Meeting
  • 2010, February _Planning & Complexity TG _ Workshop ‘Resilient Cities’, Stockholm 26-27 February 2010 - workshop on resilience, join activity with the Complexity and planning AESOP TG : RRMS join the workshop
  • 2010, July _ 2010 AESOP Annual Congress - Helsinki (Finland), 7th-10th July - RRMS meeting
  • 2009, September _ RRMS meeting in Milano (Politecnico di Milano) - RRMS: discussion on new perspectives and activities
  • 2009, July 2009 _ 2009 AESOP Annual Congress - Liverpool (UK), 15th-18th July - RRMS meeting
  • 2009, March _ Workshop, at Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Ist of  Leipzig - RRMS workshop “Resilience planbar?” a workshop on the resilience
  • 2008, September _ official publication of RRMS  documentation on the AESOP website
  • 2008, July _ 6-11 July 2008, Chicago, USA: AESOP-ACSP Joint congress, "Bridging the Divide: Celebrating the City” - RRMS organised a round table “Vulnerability vx. Resilience. Visions for cities future” (keynotes speakers: Steiner Frederick, OLSHANSKY Robert B.,  Greiving Stefan; Moderators: HUTTER Gérard,  Colucci Angela,  Samakovlija Marcella) + RRMS TG meeting
  • 2008, April_ response of AESOP Committee: the RRMS is an official thematic group
  • 2007, December  _ workshop on RRMS proposal, Milano Politecnico di Milano - Focus on aims/activities/structures of RRMS and official documentation for AESOP committee
  • 2007, July  _ AESOP Congresses - Naples 2007- 'Planning in the Risk Society' _ First proposal/discussion on the RRMS thematic group foundation