- Details
- Parent Category: THEMATIC GROUPS
- Category: Ethics, Values and Planning
The AESOP thematic group on Ethics, Values and Planning is searching for candidates who would like to contribute to the growth and success of the network (247 subscriptions to the mailing list). Like every organisation, we need to adapt and evolve to guarantee our long-term survival. Therefore, we want to strengthen the coordination team by including new forces and ideas.
Scope of the thematic group
The TG aims to facilitate lively debates on relevant ethical urban planning issues. It organises colloquiums and annual conferences, and provides an open space for members to initiate debates and workshops.
The TG addresses (mainly) three main themes:
- the interrelation between social/urban justice and spatial governance/design/configurations (this includes, for example, distributive issues, access to resources, freedom of initiative, etc.);
- how to operationalise values in urban design and planning interventions;
- the exploration of different types of ethical approaches.
Possible profiles
- "Senior" scholars/researchers with longstanding experience and interests in the field of ethics, justice and planning;
- "Young" scholars/researchers (e.g. Post-docs and PhD candidates) exploring important ethical questions willing to consolidate and expand their knowledge.
- Students with a strong passion and commitment to urban ethical issues (e.g. students willing to apply for PhD positions).
Important requirements/info
- Within the values of AESOP, this thematic group acknowledges and welcomes the co-presence of different ethical perspectives and different ideas of justice. Respect, pluralism, tolerance and constructive dialogues are essential.
- The TG aims at serious discussions combining the power of logic and individual values. Solid scientific methods will always be favoured over dogmas and ideologically blinded and biased conversations.
- All the TG's activities are based on voluntary work. This commitment entails sacrifices beyond the regular working hours but pays back with enormous benefits in terms of academic/knowledge development and networking at the European and non-European levels.
How to apply
Send an e-mail until September 25 to stefano.cozzolino(at) with:
- A short CV or your professional links (e.g., LinkedIn, ResearchGate, Google Scholar, etc.)
- A couple of sentences to present yourself and motivate your interest.
Recent activities of the TG
Colloquium series 2021
- "If neoliberalism is everything, maybe it is nothing" with prof. Edwin Buitelaar, February 24
- "Our curious silence about kindness" prof.dr. John Forester, March 24
- "Revisiting the concept of the 'just city' with prof. Stefano Moroni, April 21
- "Back to normality or perpetual threat? Exploring scenarios of future urban life and planning", May 26
- "Overcoming the false dichotomy between procedural and distributive justice" with Ali Madanipour, Sabine Weck and Peter Schmitt, October 13
- "Human Dignity in Planning" with Ben Davy, November 23
Open space events 2021
"What are AESOP's shared values?", June 8
Participants in the panel discussion:
- Rachelle Alterman (Technion Israel Institute of Technology and Neaman Institute for National Policy Research - AESOP Honorary Member)
- Claudia Basta (PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency)
- Tijana Dabovic (University of Belgrade)
- Pinar Dörder (Technical University of Darmstadt – Chair of YA Coordination Team)
- Francesco Lo Piccolo (University of Palermo)
- Izabela Mironowicz (Gdansk University of Technology)
- Paulo Silva (University of Aveiro)
Annual (internal) conference organisation (Online)
Operationalising the Just City - 24 and 25 February 2022
- 48 participants
Annual AESOP congress – 25-29 July 2022 (Tartu, Estonia)
- Track 9: SPATIALITIES: Making and unmaking spatial inequalities (10 sessions)

- Details
- Parent Category: THEMATIC GROUPS
- Category: Public Spaces and Urban Cultures
Meeting of the Thematic Group Public Spaces and Urban Cultures
Tuesday, 26 July, 13:30-14:30 EEST (Tartu time) (UTC +3, 12:30-13:30 CEST)
Forestry Building, Room 2A1
We will discuss the TG's activities and launch the new call for events 2022-2024 "Public Spaces, Urban Cultures and Constructing Peace" by having a lunch together. The local committee will provide lunch boxes directly to our room.
For online participation, please write to
This year our TG has co-organized the Track#2 CULTURE. Contributions in this track are divided into in-person sessions, remote sessions, and pre-recorded presentations. Trying to hold these parts together and to arrive at the end of the conference with a unified Track#2 CULTURE reflection, we have organized meeting times to scan our work and share intent, materials, and thoughts, which will be:
Track#2 CULTURE Opening Session #5 “Everyday Life and Public Spaces”
Wednesday July 27th at 10:00-11:30 EEST (Tartu) time (UTC +3; 9:00-10:30 CEST)
Forestry Building, Room 1A5
Track#2 CULTURE Closing Session #10 “Tourism for spatial development”
Thursday July 28th at 12:00-13:30 EEST (Tartu) time (UTC +3; 11:00-12:30 CEST)
Forestry Building, Room 1A5
Book “Care and the city. Encounters with Urban Studies”
Within the Track#14 THEORY, TG member Angelika Gabauer (TU, Wien) will present the contribution “Spaces of Care: Redefining Spatial Justice from a Perspective of Care” about the book *Care and the city. Encounters with Urban Studies*, edited by Angelika Gabauer, Sabine Knierbein, Nir Cohen, Henrik Lebuhn, Kim Trogal, Tihomir Viderman, Tigran Haas, and published open access by Routledge.
Wednesday July 27th 17:16-17:38 EEST (Tartu) time (UTC +3; 16:16-16:38 CEST)
Forestry Building, Room 2B5
TG Representatives for the AESOP Annual Congress Tartu 2022 are:
(in person) Sabine Knierbein (TU, Wien -
(online) Christine Mady (Notre Dame University - Louaize, Lebanon -
You can find detailed information at the following links:
AESOP Annual Congress tartu 2022:
TG PSUC webpage:
Track#2 CULTURE abstract:
Care and the city. Encounters with Urban Studies OA:
For any doubts, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Looking forward to meeting you in Tartu,
Christine, Matej, Sabine, Stefania, and Tihomir
- Details
- Parent Category: THEMATIC GROUPS
- Category: Planning, Law and Property rights
Prof Thomas Hartmann will deliver his inaugural lecture as chair of Land Policy and Land Management at the Department of Spatial Planning, TU Dortmund University on 26th August 2022.
You can join the lecture in person or online. Please register by the 31st July:
- Details
- Parent Category: THEMATIC GROUPS
- Category: Planning, Law and Property rights
The Planning, Law, and Property Rights Thematic Group will meet in Estonia during the forthcoming AESOP congress in Estonia (25 – 29 July) next week. The meeting will be led by Andreas Hengstermann and everyone is welcome!
Date: Thursday 28th July
Time: 12.00
Event title: AESOP Thematic Group meeting: Planning, Law, and Property Rights
Room: The meeting will be held in the same room as Track 3 LAW (room number not released yet).
Details can be found in the programme here: AESOP_programme_at_a_glance_04_07.pdf (
- Details
- Parent Category: THEMATIC GROUPS
- Category: New Technologies & Planning
You are cordially invited to join the next Thematic Group New Technology and Planning meeting
which will be held in Tartu on Friday 29 July 2022 at h 09:00 am.
Further information updated will be posted here a few days before the meeting.
- First online meeting: Planning Theories and Practices for Global South
- Lecture Series (online) 'Conflict in the city: Approaches, methodologies, experiences in urban conflicts research'
- Call for papers Special Issue of the Journal of Urban Mobility (URBMOB): 15 Minute City: Putting accessibility by proximity into practice
- Call for papers - Transport Planning for a Net Zero Future