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AESOP Thematic Group Public Space and Urban Culture International Conference

BETWEEN THE HOME AND THE SQUARE. bridging the boundaries of public space

22nd-23rd October 2021, Aristotele University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Here the official website, the program and the book of abstract

The Research Unit for South European Cities of the School of Architecture at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki will host the next meeting of the AESOP Thematic Group on Public Spaces and Urban Cultures in Thessaloniki, Greece.

The meeting is entitled “Between the home and the square: bridging the boundaries of public space”. It is structured around the concept of boundaries of public space and the relation between public space and more private spheres of urban life, like the home. By taking an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach, the meeting will discuss, challenge and rethink traditional boundaries between public and private, legal and illegal, planned and unplanned, formal and informal, natural and social, digital and material, familiar and uncanny. Moreover, the meeting will reflect on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the making and unmaking of boundaries within the public space as well as between public space and home.

The meeting is organised as a two-day event, which will be preceded by a seven-day workshop. The two-day event will combine keynote speeches, the contributions to the Call for Papers, fieldtrips and roundtables. The workshop will be an international, urban teaching, action research and design workshop that will investigate transformations of housing and public space in sites of major importance in Thessaloniki. It will provide the opportunity for participants to discuss, exchange views, and propose ideas around the topic of boundaries between public and private spaces in Thessaloniki and beyond.

Keynote Speakers:

ANASTASIA-SASA LADA, Architect, Professor Emerita, School of Architecture, AUTh
After the Pandemic: An Intersectional feminist response to reflect and reimagine our cities, our communities and everyday life
22nd October 11:00 CET+1

ISABELLE ANGUELOVSKI, Director of the Barcelona Laboratory for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability
Greening public spaces: From renaturing cities to equity-based urban nature
22nd October 16:40 CET+1

, Professor in Urban Regeneration and Management, Head of the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London
Creating the public realm in the contemporary city: London and Hong Kong and the public use of public and private space
23rd October 16:30 CET+1