Dear all,
who are interested in planning theories: Join the AESOP Thematic Group „Planning Theories (plural)“, co-coordinated by Ben Davy (TU Dortmund University / University of Johannesburg), Franziska Sielker (TU University Vienna / University of Cambridge), and Meike Levin-Keitel (University of Vienna).
Membership is free, and it does not matter whether you are associated with an AESOP member school. Although AESOP has started as a network of European schools, the activities of our TG reach out globally.
If you want to become or remain a member, please subscribe to our Google group in just 3 steps:
1. Sign in to Google Groups.
2. Search for the group aesop_tg_planning-theories.
3. Click ,Join group' and you will be automatically added to the member list.
Even if our opinions often differ widely, our discussions will always be respectful and constructive.
Using the phrase planning theories (plural), we emphasize our conviction that theoretical reflections about spatial planning benefit from a diversity of ideas and approaches. Planning theories are not based on the exclusion of disruptive or "false" claims, but rather learn from disruption and investigate the plurality of truths present in the rich and complex world of planning.
Young academics are particularly invited to join!