Recently published training material now available on UP-RES project web site!

Urban and regional planner is the first in the row to choose whether any renewable energy system, comprising production, storing and distribution, will be economic and environmentally sound in the subject planning area during the years to come. Training of urban and regional planners to understand energy issues as well as co-planning of energy and spatial planners have appeared to be productive ways towards more sustainable communities.

In the UP-RES project (Urban Planners with Renewable Energy Skills) the project partners have produced training material on energy in urban planning to be used both in Bachelor, Master and continuing professional development training. The material is available in 10 European languages. All language versions consists of 10 modules, each comprising about 30 slides. The material is free to use.

Link to the material site:

For further information, please contact any of the project partners (information on project website) or directly Ms Anna-Maija Ahonen (anna-maija.ahonen[at]

The UP-RES project has been funded by Intelligent Energy Europe program.