Climate change has given new urgency to a challenge that urban planning has faced for decades: how to implement transit-connected communities. In this webinar, we explore how emissions can be reduced by increasing densities and diversifying uses around rapid transit stations. The webinar discusses three metropolitan regions and how the planning law uniquely positions the regional planning agency to facilitate integrated land use and transit decision-making. Join us for this webinar to hear about the role of regional planning in facilitating transit-connected communities.
This book was published in the RSA Regions and Cities Book Series, click here to receive 20% discount when buying the book.
Deborah Heinen, Hamburg Metropolitan Region, Germany
Dr. Deborah Heinen is a regional planner with the Hamburg metropolitan region (Germany). Driven by her passion for cities, her PhD research focused on climate governance and urban planning. Learning from planners in the three regions of Seattle, Vancouver and Stuttgart about plan implementation, climate governance and growth management has been a rewarding experience that she is excited to share in her book “Climate Governance and Urban Planning”. Deborah received her PhD from HafenCity University Hamburg in urban and regional planning. Her expertise includes climate governance, growth management, shrinking cities, and spatial planning.
Jörg Knieling, HafenCity University, Germany
Jörg Knieling is Professor and Head of the Institute of Urban Planning and Regional Development at HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU). His academic background is in urban, regional and environmental planning, and in political sciences and sociology. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Hanover. His research team includes about fifteen young and senior researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds.
Joerg is member of the German Academy for Territorial Development (ARL), Co-Head of the Advisory Board on Territorial Development of the respective German Federal Ministry, and Deputy of the Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change of the City of Hamburg. He was ‘Directeur d’Etudes Associé’ of the Institute of Advanced Studies (IEA) in Paris and Visiting Professor at Politecnico di Milano.
Joerg’s main research fields are visions and strategies of sustainable urban and regional development, climate change and territorial innovation (e.g. circular city), and related aspects of (transition) governance.
Further information:
Roger Keil, York University, Canada
Roger Keil is Professor in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, York University. He researches global suburbanization, urban political ecology, cities and infectious disease, infrastructure, and regional governance. Among his publications are Suburban Planet (Polity, 2018) and After Suburbia (UTP, ed. with Fulong Wu, 2022) as well as Pandemic Urbanism (Polity, 2023) and Turning Up the Heat: Urban political ecology for a climate emergency (MUP, ed. with Kaika, Mandler and Tzaninis, 2023).
Chair: Joan Fitzgerald, Northeastern University, USA
Joan Fitzgerald is a Professor of Urban and Public Policy at Northeastern University. She focuses on urban climate governance and the connections between urban sustainability and economic development and innovation. Her third book, Emerald Cities: Urban Sustainability and Economic Development (Oxford Univ. Press, 2010), examines how cities are creating economic development opportunities in several green sectors. She is currently working on her next book, Greenovation, which examines how cities advance green technologies. Fitzgerald has published in numerous academic journals.
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