A French-German working group, initiated by the Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL), had been working on a comparison of the current situation of cities and metropolises as well as small and medium sized towns in both countries. The results were recently published in the book “Cities and Metropolises in France and Germany”. The book will also soon be available in German and French ( In the book, the authors analyse the embeddedness of metropolises and small and medium sized towns in the respective territorial and administrative structures and their importance and effects on settlement structures. In the context of the specific spatial planning systems and their relation to other planning issues, the authors looked at differences and similarities as well as the current challenges France and Germany are facing in spatial and urban development. Together with experts from other European countries, the authors of the book (highlighted in red) will use this online event to discuss and broaden our perspective on converging European spatial and urban development policies.


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The online conference takes place  on 14 March 2023 (10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. CET).

Please find the registration form at

Approximately one week before the event, registered participants will receive the participation link, the online conference will be held with Webex.

Participation is free of charge.


For any additional questions or concerns please contact
Dr. Britta Bockhorn at ARL HQ
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+49 511 34 84 2 25