Public Lecture Series (online) 
June 14- July 12, Tuesdays 18:00 - 19:30 s.t. CEST
(except on 05/07: 16.00-17.30 s.t.)
Research on conflict, (ant-)agonism and insurgent practices is an important and variegated strand of urban studies. Compared to critical scholars’ engagement with protests and mobilizations against hegemonic urban development politics and planning and with emergent alternatives in the production of urban space, there seems however to be little explicit reflection on how to develop research programmes and on how to conduct research in this field of practices. This lecture series presents a select review of current approaches to research on urban conflicts, and focuses explicitly on exploring the programmatic framing, epistemological perspectives and methodological choices involved in urban conflicts research.
All lectures online (via Zoom)
Meeting-ID 618 8304 5535
(one-time registration required)
planning theory lecture series 2022
Planning Theory and Urban-Regional Policy Analysis
Technische Universität Berlin
in association with AESOP Planning/Conflict Thematic Group
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