Since 2003 the Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica, through its operating company Urbanistica Italiana (URBIT) has been promoting a yearly- cultural event: Urbanpromo. 

The 2014 edition of Urbanpromo  will be held from November 11th  to 14th  in Milan at the Triennale. The principal innovation will consist in the international approach it intends to put forward, by opening the event to the world.

The main goal of Urbanpromo is to disseminate and endorse innovative urban projects, thus fostering knowledge sharing within the planners and urban designers community, since now mainly related to the Italian context.

Up to last year, Urbanpromo included a competition opened to students enrolled in all Italian Universities and engaged in courses on urban design and planning: Urban-promogiovani. This year the competition “Urban-promogiovani6” will be opened to the world as well.

The competition is aimed at nurturing the talent of students from all Universities (Architecture, Engineering, Planning, Design), engaged in education activities related to urban regeneration and urban transformation and at sharing ideas and enhancing skills across the future professionals operating in the field of urban regeneration.

The online Gallery of the website will include international students’ project proposals, selected by their respective teachers for being published. There are two awards, one based on online evaluation and the other based on the evaluation of an international jury.

More information in this flyer