We are happy to announce that the second edition of the Lisbon Early-Career Workshop in Urban Studies, organised by the Urban Transitions Hub of ICS-ULisboa in collaboration with the AESOP YA Network, will take place on November 23-25 at ICS-ULisboa.
The topic of the second edition is “Social Mobilisations and Planning through Crises” .
Find all details at: https://urbantransitionshub.org/2022/03/18/cfp-the-lisbon-early-career-workshop-in-urban-studies-november-23-25-2022/
Some 40 PhD students and early-career scholars will have the opportunity to present and discuss their research projects and/or findings during a 3-days event organised as a space of exchange, debate and learning.
Keynote speakers
Margit Mayer (Center for Metropolitan Studies, Berlin), Miguel Angel Martinez (Uppsala University)
Local mentors
Marco Allegra (ICS-ULisboa), Olivia Bina – (ICS-ULisboa), Pedro Neto (ICS-ULisboa), Andrea Pavoni (Dinâmia’CET- IUL), and Lavínia Pereira (ICS-ULisboa).
Organising and scientific committee
Luisa Rossini (ICS-ULisboa), Roberto Falanga (ICS-ULisboa), and Mafalda Pereira (ICS-ULisboa)