You are cordially invited to participate and attend the 6th International Sustainable Food Planning Conference, which will take place on 5-7 November 2014 in Velp/Arnhem, the Netherlands. This conference, under the AESOP umbrella keeps the tradition of a broad interest in food systems, while creating a special focus on two issues relevant to emerging initiatives in urban agriculture: (1) impacts on design and planning, and the spatial performance of how these initiatives manifest themselves and (2) how scale and context of local initiatives is embedded in the entire urban environment. This calls for a planners’ response. The 6thAESOP conference aims to bring together scientists, practitioners, decision-makers and entrepreneurs to discuss and exchange current knowledge, practical projects and implementation of urban food production.

Pleas have a look at the call for papers for more information. There you can also submit your abstract for the conference, before 15 April 2014.

The conference will be chaired by Rob Roggema, professor of Design for Urban Agriculture at Van Hall Larenstein University for Applied Sciences. Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.