The Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space ( at the Faculty of Architecture and Planning of Vienna University of Technology, Austria, has recently launched a Call for Expressions of Interest regarding a short-term City of Vienna Visiting Professorship 2012 vacancy offered to deal with the annual topic 2012 ’Urban culture, public space and resources – Aesthetics and materiality’ in Vienna. He/she is ideally engaged with various aspects of the material production of public space. The central question of the academic year 2012 (March 1, 2012 to February 28, 2013) is to what extent the changes in material space point to paradigmatic cultural, social, and political changes in society, and thus can be used as valuable starting points in urban research. Therefore, interdisciplinary approaches to questions of urban design are strongly valued.
The City of Vienna Visiting Professorship will be awarded annually to one Visiting Professor (Senior) according to different annual topics. The Visiting Professor is asked to cooperate with the direction of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space as an academic team. Accordingly, a luminary in contemporary social science based urban research (Know Why), or an expert in experimental and innovation-oriented research and teaching relating to urban design and planning (Know How) will work together with the established team in Vienna to develop a joint research, teaching, and networking program at the European level. She/he will develop her/his particular focus at the interface between theory and practice in the combined thematic fields of urban culture and public space to foster critical methods and a constructive understanding towards more explorative and innovative approaches in urban design, urban planning and urban research. She/he should have previously held an assistant, associate, or full professor position and should be authorized to supervise doctoral students. The short-term position ist offered for the academic year 2012 (1st March 2012 until 28th February 2013).
For additional information regarding the Call for Expression of Interests 2012, the Profile of Requirements 2012 as well as regarding the formal procedure of Expression of Interests, please have a look at the attached links below. For any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. phil. Sabine Knierbein at the Interdiscplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Vienna University of Technology. Expressions of interest can be submitted via post or email until the 7th September 2011.
Further Links City of Vienna Visiting Professorship at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space. URL:〈=en
Annual Issue 2012 - Urban Culture, public space and resources - Aesthetics and materiality. URL:〈=en
City of Vienna Visiting Professorship 2012. URL:〈=en