The book aims at a jumble and a mixture of different places (each understood to express the interaction of social world and physical objects) to form the urban space of utilization, of perception, and of life. By creating the term of the "amalgamated city" there shall be made clear that in current metropolises there exists a diversity of cultures and ways of life which by its amalgamation creates something new. The mixture of cultural and social life worlds is not only a part of urbanity in the sense of density, size, and homogeneity, but the book highlights the melting into one of places (physically-materially) and the social (at least temporarily for the moment) and the interdependence of places by way of actors moving between them. This amalgamation of places, milieus and networks is understood as a resource for urban planning strategies.
Further details
Oliver Frey, Die amalgame Stadt: Orte. Netze. Milieus (The Amalgamated City. Places. Networks. Milieus). Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. 2009. 355 pp.
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- Category: BOOKS