Oliver Frey and Florian Koch (eds.), Die Zukunft der europäischen Stadt. Stadtpolitik, Stadtplanung und Stadtgesellschaft im Wandel. (The Future of the European City. Urban Politics, Urban Planning and Urban Society in Transformation). Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. 2011. 432 pp
he objective of the book is the analyses of the often cited model of the European city through an interdisciplinary approach – which implies that the European city is seen as the interaction of specific built- and landuse-structures, social formations and political organization. Geographers, sociologists, urban planners, architects and political scientists give answers to the question, how this model of the European city can deal with new challenges in the field of urban politics, urban planning and urban society. The articles tackle various topics like the European vs. the American City, multi-locality of urban dwellers, the significance of density for the European city, the European city outside Europe and the role of creativity and digital media for urban development in Europe.
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