Klaus R. Kunzmann & Tang Yan
Creative Cities in Practice
European and Asian Perspective
ISBN 978-7-302-32519-2
58.00 RMB
Oct. 2013
In recent years, the concept of the creative city has triggered off much interest in China. Many cities in the country wish to be creative. To strengthen the local creative environment they invest in cultural infrastructure and promote cultural and creative industries. They zone art districts in the city, build new museums and theatres, encourage the revitalization of obsolete industrial buildings by art
related activities, and initiate cultural festivals and events, or even promote the development of new art villages.
The book “Creative Cites in Practice: European and Asian Perspectives” brings together numerous profiles of creative cities and regions in Europe and Asia, written by local academics and professionals, who are well acquainted with local and regional efforts to promote culture and creativity. The European cities represented in the book are Venice, Bilbao, Lille, Antwerp, Maastricht, Zurich, Berlin, Leipzig, Riga, Helsinki, Stockholm, Hamburg, the Asian cities are Hong Kong, Beijing, Taipei, Kwangju, Kanazawa, Yokohama. The individual profiles have been explicitly written for a Chinese readership.
The book is of relevance to all, who are interested in the concept of the creative city, in approaches to develop and promote the creative city in China, to university lectures and students, as well as to urban planning consultants and policy advisors.
The authors:
Tang Yan is associate professor of Urban Design and Planning in the Department of Urban Planning of the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing.
In 2007, she has received a German Chancellor Scholarship to study approaches to urban and regional planning in Germany, which triggered her interest to carry out international comparative research between eastern and western countries. She has co-edited two special issues on the creative city for Urban Planning International and China City Planning Review respectively.
At present she is teaching urban design and conservation of historical districts, and doing research on the creative city in Asia.
Klaus R. Kunzmann is professor emeritus of the Technical University of Dortmund, where he taught from 1974 to 2006. As a visiting professor he has taught urban and regional planning at a number of universities in Europe, the US and Asia. Frequently he has been invited to lecture at universities in Chinese mainland and Taiwan. For over 20 years he carried out research on cultural and creative
industries in Germany and advised local and regional governments in supporting culture and creativity in the context of urban and regional development strategies.
Wang Fang has contributed the photographs to this book. She is a Chinese art photographer living in Berlin/Potsdam and Beijing. Her artwork is documenting processes of urban transition in Asian and European cities. The photographs in this book reflect urban creativity in cities. In fall 2013 she is invited artist-inresidence in Taiwan.
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