Dear AESOP friends, 

We are delighted to announce that our AESOP community continues to flourish each year.

With great pleasure, we extend a heartfelt welcome to all our new members joining us in 2024!

AESOP Full members: 
  • Faculty of Built Environment (Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning), Technische Hochschule Lübeck, University of Applied Science 
  • Department of Geography, Geograafia osakond – University of Tartu

AESOP Associate members:

  • Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Khmelnytskyi National University 
  • Faculty of Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition - Hochschule Weihenstephan Triesdorf, University of Applied Sciences 
AESOP Corresponding members:
  • Graduate Institute of Building and Planning (GIBP) - National Taiwan University (NTU) 
  • Center of Urban Studies - Almaty Management University 
AESOP Individual members:
5 New Individual membership
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