Paulo Silva of AESOP - Association of European Schools of Planning and Universidade de Aveiro has been elected chair of GPEAN.  Zeynep Enlil of Türkiye Planlama Okulları Birliği (TUPOB) and Yıldız Technical University concludes her term as chair. Paulo Silva has been GPEAN Co-chair and liaising GPEAN with UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme).

Ayşın Dedekorkut-Howes of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Planning Schools (ANZAPS) and Griffith University has been elected as vice-chair.  Deden Rukmana of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning - ACSP and The University of Texas at Arlington has been elected to a second term as Secretary-Treasurer.

Incoming chair Paulo Silva will prioritise GPEAN's role in influencing the global planning education agenda, consolidating GPEAN as a key player in the field of regional discrepancies and supportive of GPEAN's eleven-member planning school associations, and privileging cooperation with UN-Habitat in the crucial moment of rethinking Habitat UNI.

Outgoing chair Zeynep Enlil has led GPEAN through the publication of the seventh edition of Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning with Routledge, selection of the local hosts and site for the sixth World Planning Schools Congress in Finland, 2026, initiation of the process to incorporate GPEAN as a legal entity, and partnership with Commonwealth Association of Planners toward a global inventory of planning schools and global identification of core competencies for urban and regional planners.

Further information on GPEAN and its member associations may be found here: