As a part of its remit, each year the Association of European Schools of Planning Young Academics (AESOP YA) network invites AESOP member schools to host the annual YA conference. We are now opening the Call for Proposals for hosting the 17th YA conference which will take place in March/April 2023.

As the Coordination Team, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for the funds made available by AESOP, supporting our efforts for geographical inclusion and diversity being reflected in all YA activities. These funds are intended to cover the entire conference budget for the host institution located in Eastern and South Eastern European countries. We therefore highly encourage proposals from young academics affiliated with AESOP member schools located in Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia as potential hosts of the next round of the YA conference.

YA conferences have been very beneficial for the former host institutions and members of the local organising committees since they provide the hosts with an exposure to a broader network and have long-term effects such as new institutional partnerships, better local and international connections, and more influence. Moreover, it is an extraordinary opportunity for the under- and postgraduate students enrolled at host institutions, as the conference will introduce an international and interdisciplinary platform of knowledge sharing and exchange to their everyday environment. Organising and hosting a YA conference is therefore a great responsibility and an equally rewarding and fulfilling professional experience.

We are looking forward to receiving your proposals. Please read the following guidelines and send your proposals to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until March 31, 2022. In case you have any questions/concerns, do not hesitate to get in touch with us through email."

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