From the 29th of August until the 2nd of September took place in Bali, Indonesia, the 5th World Planning Schools Congress, a joint event with 16th Asian Planning Schools Association Congress, under the theme "Planning A Global Village: Inclusion, Innovation, and Disruption". A well-attended event, with inspiring debates aggregated in several tracks and hundreds of presenters, speakers, and discussants from different parts of the world. The congress was a joint organization from the Asian Planning Schools Association and Global Planning Associations Network (GPEAN). During the congress representatives of the eleven planning schools’ associations had the chance to meet under different purposes, in an event that celebrated also the 20 years of GPEAN Charter. Meetings to define GPEAN’s agenda for the coming years, special sessions with the participation of associations presidents reflecting on planning education challenges worldwide for the coming 20 years, were some of the highlights of an intense program during the congress. In can be found more information of the works, namely the recording of the presidents’ associations special session. As outcomes of the meetings during this global event, GPEAN council set a diversified agenda of events, to engage the global planning education community, and decided to launch the next WPSC in 2026 and chose the new . The process of selection of the next WPSC will be announced soon.
(1) GPEAN is a global network in which takes part AAPS (Association of African Planning Schools), ACSP (Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning), ACUPP (Association of Canadian University Planning Programs), AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning), ALEUP (Asociación Latinoamericana de Escuelas de Urbanismo y Planeación / Association of Latin American Urban Planning Schools), ANPUR (Associação Nacional de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa em Planejamento Urbano e Regional / National Association of Postgraduate and Research in Urban and Regional Planning), ANZAPS (Australian and New Zealand Association of Planning Schools), APERAU (Association pour la Promotion de l’Enseignement et de la Recherche en Aménagement et Urbanisme / Association for the Promotion of Teaching and Research in Urban Planning and Development), APSA (Asian Planning Schools Association), ASPI (Association of Schools of Planning in Indonesia), and TUPOB (Türkiye Planlama Okulları Birliği / Association of Planning Schools of Turkey).