Dear AESOP members,

HABITAT-UNI is looking for Speaker, Moderator and Rapporteur Suggestions for a series of Webinars taking place in May and June. 

The events aim to discuss the role of higher education in building back better after COVID-19 of which we think your input would be most valuable.

This discussion would take place during HESI+10 Global Forum (in July), and 2 webinars held leading up to it (in May, June).


Speaker criteria is as below:

"Speakers could be anyone that has an expertise and insights to share, from university networks, universities, professors, deans, students or student orgs, governments, UN, and other relevant stakeholders, with balance on global south/north, gender etc. To address key barriers, challenges, and opportunities in delivering/receiving higher education during COVID-19, how the pandemic has changed higher education approaches around teaching and learning, technologies, how to address a possible digital divide, opportunities that has been created, etc."

Interest in participating as speaker in sharing your expertise and insights, should be sent until the 6th of May the latest, with a brief statement on institutional and teaching context attached to: Paulo Silva (AESOP representative in GPEAN, GPEAN liaison with UN-Habitat)

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