We are looking forward to welcoming you at the AESOP Annual Congress on 25-29 July 2022 in Tartu, Estonia on the topic 'Space for Species: Redefining Spatial Justice'.
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The white nights and warm weather foster coming together to rebuild bridges, meet colleagues and network!
AESOP 2022 features keynotes speakers, welcome addresses, mobile workshops, excursions and social events like the Welcome Reception and Gala Dinner. The full programme with accepted abstracts will be available in May! We will let you know when the full programme is up.
Please note that online participation enables to listen to one online session from each track, which are presented online as well. The second option enables to listen to keynote lectures which are broadcast from the venue. No other sessions will be broadcast!
- On-site registration will be closed on July 8. On-site registration will be possible, but it does not guarantee a delegate kit.
- Online registration will remain open until the end of the congress.
Join us on-site in Tartu, explore the car-free avenue and more that Estonia has to offer! Read more here.
All COVID restrictions have been lifted and assistance will be provided with testing and other regulations if you need help returning to your home country.
If you are worried about the geopolitical situation, read more here.
Register HERE. Accommodation booking is available on the congress homepage here. Book your stay asap to get the best price and hotel!
Delegate Services
Publicon PCO