The Departmeny of Urbanism of the Delft University of Technology is organising the third edition of the workshop and collective visioning exercise A MANIFESTO FOR THE JUST CITY

Clarissa Freitas (Federal University of Ceará), Hiba Bou Akar (Columbia University), Gynna Millan Brightside (Universidad del Valle), & Vanesa Castan Broto (Sheffield University) will share their knowledge and inspire students from all over the world in writing their manifestos.

The workshop “Manifesto for the Just City”, now in its third edition, is a digital lecture and debate series composed of four online sessions with leading academics and practitioners in the fields of urban theory, urban planning and spatial justice. Upon participation in the online lecture series, teams of students are invited  to draft a Manifesto for the Just City, expressing what their visions for cities that are sustainable, fair and inclusive for all. 

This activity is organised by TU Delft, IHS Erasmus University of Rotterdam (The Netherlands), the University of Illinois, the Winston-Salem State University, Morgan State University (US), The Cape Peninsula University of Technology (South Africa) and more. 
This activity is supported by Pakhuis de Zwijger, a unique cultural organisation which opened its doors in 2006 and has grown to be an independent platform for and by the city of Amsterdam and its inhabitants.

SESSIONS take place  in 17, 24, 31 OCTOBER and 7 NOVEMBER at 19:00 (CET/ Amsterdam time) and registration is required.
REGISTER AT: https://

we also invite teachers of planning, urban design and related built environment disciplines to adop this simple, quick and highly impactful exercise as a class exercise and to invite their students to participate in groups. All students delivering a manifesto receive a certificate from the TU Delft and results are published in Open Access by our university. the first book (2020) is available HERE and the second volume HERE.

Please, share widely!