ExCo has decided to issue a call for proposals to host an online small format conference in 2021. The call for hosting the 2021 AESOP online small format Conference is now open. All Full and Associate AESOP Member institutions are warmly encouraged to apply.
The deadline for the submission of the bids is 8 March 2021.
The decision will be made by the Council of Representatives at the meeting which will take place as a virtual event on 11 March 2021. The candidates will be kindly asked to prepare a 5-minute presentation for the Council of Representatives during the 11 March meeting.
AESOP online small format Conference Organisation Guidelines
General rules of applying for the organisation of this special AESOP event:
1. Candidate institutions should send in their proposals to the AESOP Secretariat General (
2. The Council of Representatives of AESOP, at the meeting following the proposal submission deadline, will examine the proposals and vote to select the host.
3. Each candidate will be given a 5-minute time slot in the agenda of the Council of Representatives meeting to present the proposal. It is strongly recommended that the candidates use this opportunity to address the Representatives directly.
Information the candidates should provide:
1. Information about the University and School/Department/Faculty:
a) the profile of the University and the School/Department/Faculty, including details about contribution to planning research and planning education
b) the reasons for which the School/Department/Faculty wishes to organize the event,
c) the organizational/technological capacity of the University and School/Department/Faculty to handle the event,
d) the financial capability of the University and the School/Department/Faculty to support the event. A proposal for the price range of attendance fees should be supplied.
2. Information about the proposed Congress topic:
The congress topic should be both comprehensive and pertinent to contemporary planning issues. A short statement introducing the theme is expected.
3. The proposed dates, which have to be in July and not adjacent to already planned Thematic Groups events which can be seen on the AESOP Events Calendar.
4. The duration (e.g. 2 to 3 days)
5. Form of organisation and evaluation (e.g. possible paper presentations, pre-defined roundtables and live discussions, parallel sessions, reviewing arrangements).
6. Expected participants (also related to the maximum capacity of the platform to be used)
7. Type of proceedings (e.g: compilation of abstracts, access to recordings,)
8. Possible parallel events (e.g. virtual tour of the city)
Candidate institutions need to be aware that:
1. The selected candidate will be asked to sign a contract with AESOP, including full details of the organization of the congress. Part of the contract states that the hosting institution will forward to AESOP 10% of the congress fees, after the Congress. The contract will be required to be signed in June 2021.
2. Attendance Fees: a maximum of 100 Euros can be charged (e.g. for late registration for a participant not associated with an AESOP member school). Candidates are encouraged to check with fees levied by other organisations for online conferences.
3. The selected candidate will have to form a small (4 to 8 members) Local Organizing Committee, along with a Scientific Committee.
4. The selected candidate institution will be required to work very closely with the AESOP Conference Officer with regards to decision making on key elements such as the Keynote addresses and other issues related to the proposed form of organisation.
5. The conference should have a website. This website should be kept available for 5 years after the event.
Practical information:
1. Applications are to be sent by email to the AESOP Secretariat General at
2. Accepted file formats:
a) text files: .docx, .doc, .rtf, .pdf
b) image files: .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .tiff, .pdf
c) video files: .mpeg, .mpg, .mpe, .mov, .wmv
3. The application will be included in the materials for the Council of Representatives meeting in the format sent to the Secretariat General.
4. In case the files are extremely large it is strongly recommended to send compressed files (.zip).