Francesco Lo Piccolo started his Presidency (2014-2016)

 (University of Palermo) started his Presidency after AESOP Congress in Utrecht in July 2014. He replaced Gert de Roo (University of Groningen) who will remain AESOP Vice-President till the end of the AESOP Congress in 2015 in Prague. After July 2015 Gert de Roo will remain AESOP Official responsible for selected AESOP projects.

In his introductory speech Francesco Lo Piccolo revealed main slogan of his Presidency: Values for Our Future.

He stressed that when we look outside AESOP, cooperation and collective work are often not the priority. In times of crises, there is the risk of becoming ‘selfish’.

This is why the challenge is to maintain and improve the very nature of AESOP: which is embedded in cooperation and solidarity, together with intellectual freedompassionethics.

Francesco Lo Piccolo imagined the future:

  1. The future of AESOP: new generations of academics
  2. The future of our schools: diversity and plurality.
  3. The future of our research: achieving good standards, together.
  4. The future of our discipline: professional recognition, a hard task today
  5. The future of our European identity

    Full text of the President Statement is available here.

Paulo Pinho elected as AESOP Secretary General 2015-2019   

Paulo Pinho (University of Porto) will replace Izabela Mironowicz (Wrocław University of Technology) as AESOP Secretary General after the AESOP Congress in 2015 in Prague. Until then he will be working for AESOP as Vice-Secretary General preparing himself for his terms of office. After July 2015 Izabela Mironowicz will remain AESOP Official responsible for selected AESOP projects.


Technical University of Madrid (UPM), School of Architecture, Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DUyOT) will be hosting AESOP Heads of Schools Meeting in 2015. The provisional dates are 12-15 March 2015.  The final confirmation of the dates will be shortly available on AESOP website.

AESOP community would like to express the word of gratitude to Technical University of Madrid School of Architecture, Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DUyOT) and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Engineering, School of Spatial Planning And Development for their outstanding applications for hosting AESOP Heads of School Meeting 2015.


New AESOP members

AESOP is delighted to welcome three new members:

Nürtingen-Geislingen University Faculty for Landscape ArchitectureEnvironmental and Urban Planning, GERMANY (Full Member);

International University of Catalonia Department of Urbanism and Spatial Planing, SPAIN (Associate Member);

University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS (Associate Member).