We do hope you enjoy AESOP services: free advertisement on AESOP website and Newsletter, reduced congress fee for all academics and students affiliated to the member institutions, support for your PhD students, discussion at Heads of Schools Meetings, AESOP Thematic Groups, AESOP Awards, Lecture Series, European Urban Summer School, new projects: AESOP Digital Platform, Sense of History...
This all can happen only if our members pay required membership fee.
Council of Representatives have not changed the level of the fee for years being aware of the financial problems of the universities and research institutions in the times of crisis. AESOP is very concern to keep administration costs on the very low level: work at the Executive Committee as well as the Council of Representatives is voluntary.
This year our invoices at many institutions have not been paid yet, although AESOP Treasurer sent them already in February. Please check here whether your institution has paid already AESOP membership fee. If you cannot find your university on the list, please feel responsible for AESOP community and contact AESOP Treasurer (
Thank you very much for your help.