
Dear AESOP friends, 

With this news, we would like to thank you all for participating in the largest congress in the history of AESOP!!!

The Congress, centred around the theme "GAME CHANGER? Planning for just and sustainable urban regions" was held in Paris, at SciencePo, from July 8 to July 12, 2024.

Around 1200 participants from over 55 different countries!
Between tracks, special sessions and roundtables, there were around 200 sessions in which colleagues from all over the world had the opportunity to discuss common research topics and open up new perspectives.

We certainly have to thank every single participant for all this, but let us once again thank the entire local organising committee that made this event possible!

Thanks to:

  • Marco Cremaschi, Professor, Director of the Master Program in Urban Planning at Sciences Po Center for European Studies and Comparative Politics (CEE), Chair
  • Florence Faucher, Professor, Director of the Sciences Po, CEE
  • Charlotte Halpern, Senior research fellow at Sciences Po, CEE director of the Executive Master Territorial Governance and Urban Development
  • Jérôme Baratier, Adjunct professor Urban Management
  • Ilaria Milazzo, Executive Director of Sciences Po, Urban School, Co-Deputy Chair of the LOC, registration, Internal Affairs
  • Patrick Le Galès, CNRS Research Professor at Sciences Po, CEE
  • Giacomo Parrinello, Research fellow, director of Master program Governing Ecological Transitions in European cities
  • Champaka Rajagopal, Adjunct professor Urban planning
  • Eleonora Russo, General Secretary of Sciences Po, CEE, Co-Deputy Chair of the LOC, Coordinator of the event, Finance and Operations Administrator
  • Eric Verdeil, Professor, Director of the Master Program in Urban and Territorial Strategies, Sciences Po, CERI
  • Tommaso Vitale, Dean, Sciences Po, Urban School

Last but not least, a special thank you to Alice Razon, Sébastien Wony, Véronique Etienne, Samia Saadi, Silvia Duerich-Morandi, Camilla Ariani, and finally to all the students who helped and supported the participants during the congress week!

We look forward to seeing you all again next year in Istanbul at Yıldız Technical University!

