Association of European Schools of Planning would like to thank UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN and express our gratitude for the organization of the AESOP-ACSP Congress (15th - 19th July 2013). The team from Dublin has shown tremendous dedication to the task and remarkable reliability. The event has been handled very smoothly, and we have had no signs of anyone being less than happy with the week we spent in Dublin. We consider the cooperation with UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN very successful and pleasurable.
We wish to especially thank Prof. Dr. ZORICA NEDOVIC-BUDIC and Declan Redmond, Mark Scott, Richard Waldron, Dick Gleeson, Linda Fox Rogers for their contribution to the success of our Joint Congress. We know very well that it requires the work of a team to organize such an event, and the role played by each member of the team is important. We are deeply indebted to all who contributed to the sucess of the event. Our special word of gratitude goes to the students helping during the Congress.
The AESOP community is greatly indebted to the members of the UCD for enabling us to reunite in the place that will remian for long in our memory. The event has been a great joy and pleasure to all of us, and has been so largely thanks to your work and hospitability, for which we remain grateful.