Newsletter - November 2023 |
Call for abstracts EXTENDED! AESOP 2024 PARIS CONGRESS
Call for abstracts EXTENDED until 31 January 2024!
The Paris Congress will examine a key question at the heart of the multiple ongoing transitions: what exactly constitutes a game changer? For over a century, European urban planning has depended heavily on publicly-driven land urbanization,... Publishing date | Monday, 8 January 2024 | Category | AESOP |
AESOP PhD Workshop - Grenoble, July 3-6 2024AHEAD OF THE GAME.
Working with what already exists, recycling soil, using resources sparingly and caring for objects that we want to be more reversible and less fixed in their uses... are some of the more challenging objectives of contemporary urban planning. For its past Olympic city and historical citizens’ movements about local governments, Grenoble is a perfect place to discuss these topics.... Publishing date | Monday, 2 October 2023 | Category | AESOP |
AESOP 2024 Heads of Schools Meeting - Venice, March 15-16, 2024
Iuav - University of Venice
The conditions that led to the birth of the modern city over the course of the 20th Century have changed radically. Today, multiple and dramatic emergencies (economic and financial, social, environmental and climatic, health, and geopolitical) call for critical reflection on the nature and goals of urban planning. After years of progressive reduction of public resources, European... Publishing date | Friday, 29 September 2023 | Category | AESOP |
AESOP is looking for potential members for its Excellence in Education Board (EEB). EEB member responsibilities include safeguarding the development of the AESOP Quality Recognition (QR) Programme as defined on the QR website, evaluating incoming applications after every annual call, holding 2-3 feedback meetings with applicants, drafting feedback reports, and contributing to advance quality criteria that ensure the transparency of the evaluation processes for awarding... Publishing date | Tuesday, 24 October 2023 | Category | AESOP |
CALL FOR CONFERENCE OFFICER 2024 - 2028The Conference Officer (CO) is a Member of the Executive Committee of AESOP with responsibility to support the launch of major events in which AESOP is directly involved (e.g. the Annual Congress, the PhD Workshop, the Heads of School Meeting); oversee the progress of the LOC in the above events; liaise with the ExCo and LOC for timely decisions and report on the preparation of major events to ExCo and CoRep.
Application deadline: 17 February 2024... Publishing date | Monday, 27 November 2023 | Category | AESOP |
Publication of Transactions of AESOP - Issue 7.1The Editors are pleased to announce the publication of Transactions of AESOP 7.1.
This issue brings together a diverse set of papers that address key contemporary planning themes and agendas with a particular emphasis on appreciating the importance of time and space in shaping the substantive matters planning addresses and the manner in which it responds to these.
Collectively the... Publishing date | Saturday, 4 November 2023 | Category | AESOP |
News from GPEAN: UN-Habitat ExDir searchUnited Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) released a job announcement for new Executive Director:
R E F E R E N C E : EOSG/SLA/2023 /3
Executive Director, United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) The United Nations welcomes applications for the position of Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat). This position is at the Under-Secretary-General level and is based in Nairobi, Kenya. The Secretariat... Publishing date | Wednesday, 15 November 2023 | Category | MEMBERS |
News from GPEAN: World Town Planning Day - Global Planners Network Statement74th World Town Planning Day Statement
Every person and community in the world today is threatened by a deepening climate and biodiversity emergency, compounded by conflicts, the pressures of demographic and other societal change and the continuing legacy of the pandemic.
Cities host more than half of the global population and are large contributors to greenhouse gas emissions... Publishing date | Thursday, 2 November 2023 | Category | MEMBERS |
14° Biennale of Towns and Town Planners - Call for project
Call for project of the 14 Biennial of European Cities and Town Planners Inclusive cities and territories, which will be in Naples at DiARC Università di Napoli Federico II, 22-24 April 2024: deadline 18 December 2023
Publishing date | Tuesday, 28 November 2023 | Category | MEMBERS |
AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference 2024 - Brussels and GhentWe are happy to announce the forthcoming XI AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference “Building Movement, Achieving Transformation”. The conference will be held in Brussels and Ghent (Belgium), from the 19th to 22th of June 2024.
The XI AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Conference asks how sustainable food planning can become more embedded into socially innovative and transformative movements. How can we strategically... |
Call for papers: "Regions in evolution. Transitions, renewal and emerging forms of regionalisation" (BELGEO)Dear colleagues,
Please take note of a call for papers for a special issue in BELGEO which might be of interest to many in our TG:
« Régions en évolution. Transitions, renouvellement et formes émergentes de régionalisation » / “Regions in evolution. Transitions, renewal and emerging forms of regionalisation”
Guest editors: Thomas Perrin (ENSA de Montpellier-LIFAM, Université de Lille-TVES) and Rafael Gimenez-Capdevila (Societat catalana... |
Call for Papers: ARL Congress 2024 - Major infrastructure projects
ARL Congress 2024: Major infrastructure projects
18-19 April 2024 at the media docks in Lübeck
Planning: between protests and calls to pick up the pace
Major infrastructure projects of (supra-)regional significance are complex and expensive, and expectations for their execution and effectiveness are accordingly high. Such projects include... Publishing date | Tuesday, 10 October 2023 | Category | JOURNALS |
Planning in a Failing State - Reforming Spatial Governance in England
This collection of essays analyses the state of the planning system in England and offers a robust, evidence-based review of over a decade of change since the Conservative-led coalition government came to power. With a critique of ongoing planning reforms by the UK government, the book argues that the planning system is often blamed for a range of issues caused by ineffective policy making by government. It questions whether it is planning that is failing, or... Publishing date | Saturday, 25 November 2023 | Category | BOOKS |
PhD Opportunity: Urban design, mobility and spatial justice - UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN, IRELANDCall for Expressions of Interest in Funded PhD Opportunity
The School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy is seeking expressions of interest from prospective PhD students to fill one fully funded PhD studentships in the Planning subject area. A PhD will be funded in the following two broad thematic research areas:
Urban design, mobility and spatial justice
About the School
The School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental... Publishing date | Sunday, 19 November 2023 | Category | JOBS |
Research Associate (m/f/d, Postdoc) with a focus on urban ponds at the ARL Headquarters in Hanover GermanyThe Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Associaton (ARL) is looking for a research associate (postdoc) on the sustainable planning of urban ponds, in the Leibniz Association-funded Leibniz Excellence Project "Pollution in urban ponds, eco-evolutionary dynamics and ecosystem resilience" (POUNDER) from March 1, 2024. The position will be based in Hannover, Germany.
The overall aim of the project is to assess the importance of urban ponds as nature-based solutions... Publishing date | Wednesday, 22 November 2023 | Category | JOBS |
Postdoctoral Researchers in the Department of Built Environment, Aalto UniversityAalto University is a community of bold thinkers where science and art meet technology and business. We are committed to identifying and solving grand societal challenges and building an innovative future. Aalto University has six schools with 12 000 students and nearly 400 professors. Our campuses are in Espoo, Finland.
The School of Engineering is an international unit with nearly 70 talented professors and 3400 full-time students. Currently, the Department of Built... Publishing date | Wednesday, 15 November 2023 | Category | JOBS |
Associate Professor. Giancarlo Cotella Secretary General: Association of Eurpoean Schools of Planning AESOP SECRETARIAT GENERAL Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST) Politecnico di Torino |
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