The mentors for the AESOP PhD Workshop 2025 Istanbul, Türkiye

Ali Madanipour
Newcastle University

Ali Madanipour

Ali Madanipour (MArch, PhD) is professor of urban design at the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, Newcastle University, UK. He has undertaken extensive research into urban social and spatial processes. A major recent research project, an EU-Horizon project jointly run with partners from around Europe, examined the role of place-based strategies in spatial justice ( Visiting positions have included the City of Vienna Senior Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Vienna, the Wits-Claude Leon Distinguished Scholar at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, and Visiting Professor at the Polytechnic of Milan. His publications have been translated into various languages, including French, German, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Persian and Spanish. Recent books include Authenticity and Urbanism: A Critical Inquiry (Routledge, 2025 forthcoming), Rethinking Public Space (Elgar, 2023), Handbook of Planning Theory (co-ed with Michael Gunder and Vanessa Watson, Routledge, 2018), and Cities in Time (Bloomsbury, 2017).

Roberto Rocco
TU Delft

Roberto Rocco

Roberto Rocco is an Associate Professor of Spatial Planning and Strategy at TU Delft's Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. With expertise in governance for the built environment and sustainability transitions, his research focuses on the intersection of spatial justice and social sustainability. Trained as an architect and spatial planner, he holds a master's from the University of São Paulo and a PhD from TU Delft. His significant contributions include authoring the UfM Strategic Action Plan for Sustainable Urbanisation in the Mediterranean and editing the Routledge Handbook on Informal Urbanisation. Rocco has extensive experience in both Global North and South contexts, having worked as a consultant for the Union for the Mediterranean and published widely on informal urbanization, spatial justice, and sustainable urban development. His work particularly emphasizes the integration of socio-spatial justice with sustainability transitions in urban planning and design education.

Zorica Nedović-Budić
University College Dublin

Zorica Nedović-Budić

Zorica Nedović-Budić is Professor Emerita of the University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and Visiting Professor at University College Dublin (UCD). She received a PhD degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and was a faculty member at UIUC for 15 years, Professor Chair of Spatial Planning at UCD for 7 years, and a professor and department head at the University of Illinois @ Chicago until her retirement in 2021. Prof. Nedović-Budić’s work is about spatial planning, cities and technology. From 2011 to 2016 she was the principal investigator on a 30-partner, Euro 9 million European FP7 project Transitioning Towards Urban Resilience and Sustainability (TURAS). As the principal investigator (PI) and co-PI in over 40 projects, she received approximately $2 million in research grants, excluding partner funds. She has published extensively in books (20+ chapters) and peer-reviewed journals (60+ papers); co-edited three volumes and wrote over 50 research reports and articles in conference proceedings; and made hundreds of presentations at various events. She served on editorial boards of several journals, including the ASCE’s Journal of Urban Planning and Development and the Journal of the American Planning Association (JAPA) Book Review. Prof. Nedović-Budić was a member of the Board of Directors of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA) and the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS); the Executive Committee of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP); the Governing Board of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP); the AESOP-ACSP liaison; and the American Planning Association (APA) Education Committee. She currently chairs the AESOP’s Best Congress Paper Award, and serves as an advisory member of the 6th World Planning Schools Congress (WPSC) Steering Committee, following her co-chairing the 5th WPSC in 2022.

Christian Lamker
University of Groningen

Christian Lamker

Christian Lamker is Assistant Professor Sustainable Transformation & Regional Planning at the University of Groningen (Netherlands). He obtained his PhD on uncertainty and complexity in planning processes at TU Dortmund University (Germany) in 2016 and has worked in Groningen since 2019. His current research and teaching within the Department of Spatial Planning and Environment focuses on roles in planning, post-growth planning, citizen engagement, planning instruments, and sustainable transformation. He has studied and worked on spatial planning in Dortmund, Aachen, Auckland, Detroit and Melbourne and coordinates the Master programme Society, Sustainability and Planning (SSP) in Groningen since 2019. Within AESOP, he is co-coordinator of the thematic group on Planning and Complexity and is one of the national representatives for the Netherlands in the Council of Representatives (CoRep).

Duygu Cihanger Ribeiro
Middle East Technical University

Duygu Cihanger Ribeiro

Duygu Cihanger Ribeiro is an Assistant Professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey. She graduated as an urban planner from METU in 2010 and earned her master’s degree in the Urban Design Program there in 2013, during which she also worked as a research assistant. In 2018, she received her Ph.D. from Ghent University in Belgium with a dissertation examining the relationship between spontaneity and design in urban space. She later held a position as an assistant professor at TED University (2019) and undertook visiting and postdoctoral research roles at Ghent University (2021), Lisbon University (2023), and Aveiro University (2024). She has organized and participated in numerous national and international academic events including conferences, workshops and exhibitions while collaborating with various independent art collectives. Since 2012, she has held administrative positions at the UCTEA Chamber of City Planners promoting urban planning practices and education while advocating for sustainable urban development policies in Turkey. Her research explores the intersection of social life and the morphology of urban space, focusing on informal urbanism, public space, everyday life, inclusive urbanism, migration, and urban sociology.

Melis Oğuz Çevik
Gebze Technical University

Melis Oğuz Çevik

Melis Oğuz Çevik is an Associate Professor at Gebze Technical University, Department of Urban and Regional Planning. After graduating from Sankt Georg Austrian College in 2001, Oğuz Çevik completed her bachelor's degree in Urban and Regional Planning (2005) and Sociology (Double Major Program, 2006) at Middle East Technical University. Oğuz Çevik received her master's degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Social Policy. In 2016, she completed her PhD on migrant women's use of public space and urban mobility within the scope of the Double Doctorate Protocol of the Technical University of Berlin and Istanbul Technical University. She received her associate professorship in 2021. Before joining Gebze Technical University she was a faculty member at Istanbul Beykent University, Department of Industrial Design (English), and served as the head of the department for three years. In addition to her academic studies, she has been the coordinator and host of “Mekân ve İnsan”, a weekly discussion program on urban research and studies on Medyascope for more than six years. She continues to conduct academic and scientific research, projects, and workshops within the scope of urban sociology. Her research interests include gender, urban transformation, digital technologies, disaster, migration, and social sustainability.

Deniz Ay
University of Bern

Deniz Ay

Deniz Ay is an urban scholar working at the University of Bern’s Institute of Geography. Her research interests sit at the intersection of urban redevelopment, land policy and land use planning, and social reproduction feminism. She teaches undergraduate and master’s level courses on land policy, social reproduction and urban commons, and a master’s studio on planning for postgrowth society. She has supervised/co-supervised several master’s and PhD students conducting thesis research on planning and urban geography across a range of national contexts. Deniz received her Ph.D. at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign's Department of Urban and Regional Planning. She also holds an MSc. in Economics degree from the London School of Economics and a BA in Economics from Sabanci University, Turkey. She has published in leading urban studies and planning journals including Habitat International, Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, City, Land Use Policy, and Planning Theory & Practice.

Cenk Hamamcıoğlu
Yıldız Technical University

Cenk Hamamcıoğlu

Cenk Hamamcıoğlu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the Faculty of Architecture at Yıldız Technical University (YTU) in Istanbul, Turkey. He was awarded his bachelor's degree in architecture (2000), followed by a master's thesis about exploring the impact of tourism investments on historic patterns and environments from the Building Research and Planning MSc Programme at YTU (2003). He subsequently obtained his PhD from the same institution, this time from the Urban Planning PhD Programme, with a dissertation examining the factors of transportation networks on the site location of urban public facilities in terms of administrative facilities (2009). His research fields vary in a wide spectrum of urban design, mobility, transportation and tourism planning issues in terms of livability and climate crisis. In addition to participating in a variety of national and international academic events, research projects and contributing to various journals through the publication of articles and the provision of peer review, some of his latest and significant contributions include authoring of a chapter in the book of “Istanbul Historical Peninsula: Accessibility-Preservation Relationship” (2024), preparation and authorship of “Design Guide for Mobility Hubs” for The Turkish Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (2022), and participation as the coordinator for the organization of 40th Session of the World Heritage Youth Forum held in Istanbul (2016). He also served as the coordinator of Spatial Organization and Design MSc Programme at YTU (2019-2023), which earned Certificate of Quality from AESOP in 2020. Hamamcıoğlu continues to teach undergraduate and master's level courses on urban transportation planning, urban design courses and projects, and alternative perspectives in holistic planning at PhD level while supervising many master’s and PhD students conducting thesis research on urban transportation and planning, spatial organization and design contexts.

Çiğdem İbişoğlu
Yildiz Technical University

Çiğdem İbişoğlu

Çiğdem İbişoğlu is a Research Assistant PhD at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Yildiz Technical University (YTU), Istanbul, Türkiye. She graduated as an urban and regional planner from Istanbul Technical University (ITU) in 2011. In 2014, she received her master’s degree in Regional Planning (ITU), during which she also worked as a research assistant at Yildiz Technical University. In 2023, she completed her PhD at Yildiz Technical University with a dissertation that proposed a framework for spatial plan evaluation within the context of the Turkish planning system. Over the years she has participated in numerous national and international academic events including conferences, congresses, workshops and had a role as the member of organizing committee in many of them. In addition to her teaching assignments, she continues to conduct academic research, projects, and workshops focused on current urban planning issues. Her mainly research interests include planning theories, planning systems, plan evaluation methods, urban policies, legal and administrative dimensions of planning.