37th AESOP Annual Congress 2025 Istanbul, Türkiye
“Planning as a Transformative Action in an Age of Planetary Crisis”

18 tracks to choose from
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Emerging digital technologies, transformative planning, and spatial systems


  • Michele Campangna, Università degli Studi di Cagliari
  • Merve Deniz TAK, Istanbul University
  • Fatih Terzi, Istanbul Technical University

 Urban and territorial systems are facing unprecedented crises ranging from population growth and climate change to social inequalities and resources consumption— which are complex and multidimensional. Traditional planning methods may no longer be adequate, and new technologies and novel technological solutions may enable us to address the need for transformative approaches.

The role of new technologies in spatial planning is increasingly crucial as we face global challenges requiring swift action. These technologies, and especially emerging artificial intelligence, may offer innovative solutions for achieving efficient, resilient, and inclusive cities by enhancing our understanding of urban dynamics, improving spatial planning, supporting evidence-based decision-making, and engaging stakeholders more effectively.

However, while technological advancements may provide many opportunities, they also raise ethical concerns, such as data privacy, digital inequality, and algorithmic bias. Planners must balance the benefits with careful scrutiny of potential risks to the social fabric.

Track 11 aims to foster dialogue on building sustainable, fair, and resilient cities and communities through technology, and to explore the integration of technology in planning, focusing on its opportunities, limitations, and impacts on the planning process and on urban and territorial systems. Participants are encouraged to present new perspectives, share best practices, and contribute theoretical, methodological, or empirical studies on how digital innovations are transforming spatial planning.

Contributions are invited on the following topics, including but not limited to:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Geo-AI Method and Applications for Spatial Analysis
  • Big Data Analytics in Urban Contexts
  • Computational Urbanism and Digital Tools for Transformative Planning Ethics, Representation, and Privacy in Data-Driven Urbanism
  • Advanced Decision-Making and Planning Support Systems
  • Digital Twins, Real Time Data, and Virtual Urban Environments
  • Ethics and Privacy in Digital Information
  • Gamification in Planning
  • Geodesign for Resilient and Sustainable Cities
  • Technology Impacts on Socio-Spatial Systems
  • Social Media, Crowdsourcing, and Volunteered Geographic Information Technological Tools for Spatial Justice
  • The Pros and Cons of Technological Advancements in Urban Planning