37th AESOP Annual Congress 2025 Istanbul, Türkiye
“Planning as a Transformative Action in an Age of Planetary Crisis”
Joaquin Farinos Dasi, University of Valencia
Petra Schelkmann, Planning of the Verband Region Rhein-Neckar
Alessandro Delpiano, Territorial Planning Area of the Metropolitan City
Sonia Cristina Nunes, University of Lisbon
Oriol Estela Barnet, General Coordinator of the Barcelona Metropolitan Strategic Plan
Moneyba González Medina, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Valeria Fedeli, Politecnico di Milano
How to increase resilience in metropolitan regions and what can be the role of spatial development in this context? What are the main starting points to increase the capacities of metropolitan spatial governance to foster resilience? Metropolitan regions metropolitan regions are organized differently and encounter a variety of unprecedented challenges, including rapid urbanization, climate change, and widening social and economic disparities. Addressing these complex issues necessitates innovative approaches that utilize the strengths of strategic planning. regional land-use planning as well as urban planning and collaborative governance. The special session gives an transdisciplinary overview about the main research questions of the International Working Group „Resilient Metropolitan Regions” of the ARL – Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association and will also give first answers regarding the main challenges and fields of action on the territory as well as of the main fields of action on governance. How do we define and understand „Resilience”, „Space” and” Metropolitan Regions”? What are the spatial / territorial specific entry points to resilience and how do spatial aspects interrelate to the characteristics, patterns and dynamics of resilience? Which capacities and financing isntruments are needed to govern towards an increased resilience at metropolitan level? These questions will be discussed from a resarchers and planners perspective. The sessions is organised by the ARL International Working Group „Resilient Metropolitan Regions”. The group is set up by researchers and practitioner of German speaking countries as well as Southwestern Europe. The aim of the working group is to make a siginificant contribution to spatial planning theory as well as to foster practical planning knowledge and discourse. Therefore members of the working group in cooperation with practicioners and researchers from outside the group will present first results. First findings will be discussed and perspectives and experiences from oputside the ARL International Working group will be included.
Key words: Resilience, spatial planning, metropolitan governance