The keynote speakers and the abstracts of their keynotes for the Heads of Schools Meeting 2025 Liverpool, UK
Lucy Natarajan is an Associate Professor based at the Bartlett School of Planning, UCL. She has a background in quantitative and qualitative research, and conducted major research programmes for stakeholders in the public, private and charitable sectors. Her work helped establish the Place Alliance and the UK's Low Income Diet & Nutrition Survey, as well as the Global Planners Network capacity studies and Commonwealth State of the Cities reporting. She is currently editor of Built Environment, Secretary General of Territoire Europe, and Steering Group member of UK2070 Commission.
Jonathan Metzger is at Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. His PhD was in Economic History. Most of his research addresses decision-making concerning complex environmental issues – generally with a focus on urban and regional planning, policy and politics. His work is often related to and finds inspiration in research debates within the subject areas of Planning Studies, Human Geography, STS (Science- and Technology Studies) and Organizational Studies. He sits on the board of a number of academic journals including European Planning Studies, Planning Theory and Planning Theory and Practice.