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AESOP newsletter - July 2024

AESOP newsletter - July 2024


Newsletter - July 2024

AESOP 2024 PARIS CONGRESS - acknowledgements


Dear AESOP friends, 

With this news, we would like to thank you all for participating in the largest congress in the history of AESOP!!!

The Congress, centred around the theme "GAME CHANGER? Planning for just and sustainable urban regions" was held in Paris, at SciencePo, from July 8 to July 12, 2024.

Around 1200 participants from over 55 different countries!
Between tracks, special sessions and roundtables, there...

Publishing date Thursday, 18 July 2024
Category AESOP

AESOP 2024 PHD Workshop - Grenoble - ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS


Dear AESOP friends, 

this is the time to thank all the PhD students, mentors and all the Local Organiser Committee of the AESOP 2024 PhD Workshop held at lnstitut d'Urbanisme et de Géographie Alpine, Grenoble, July 3-6 2024.

35 PhD participants from all over the world (Australia, USA, Europe, China..)  

Juliet Davis (professor of Architecture...

Publishing date Saturday, 20 July 2024
Category AESOP

AESOP Best Congress Paper Award 2024

This year there were 135 self-nominated papers. Ten (10) papers were nominated by track co-chairs. The BCPA Committee reviewed 10 papers: 7 papers were evaluated by 3 reviewers; 1 paper by 4 reviewers, and 2 papers by 2 reviewers. Having more than two reviews, whenever possible, improved the quality/validity of the evaluation process. A double-blind review was employed. Criteria for the review were the following: (1) Relevance to current debates on...

Publishing date Tuesday, 23 July 2024
Category AWARDS

AESOP Best Published Paper Award 2024

 This year, 20 articles were nominated by journal editors for the AESOP Best Published Paper Award. From these, AESOP’s Best Published Paper Committee shortlisted the following five articles:
Bäcklund Pia, Kanninen Vesa, Hanell Tomas (2023). Accepting Depoliticisation? Council Members’ Attitudes Towards Public-Public Contracts in Spatial Planning, Planning Theory and Practice, 24:2, 173-189. Ortiz Catalina (2023). Storytelling otherwise: Decolonising...

Publishing date Monday, 22 July 2024
Category AWARDS

AESOP 2024 Excellence in Teaching Prize - winner announced!

2024 AESOP Excellence in Teaching Prize


Teaching in the broad field of planning is one of the main activities of AESOP Member Schools. Thus, in 2002, AESOP introduced a prize, which recognizes and encourages Excellence in Teaching. Through this award, AESOP celebrates and disseminates innovative practices in teaching in its Member Schools. The broad aim of the Prize is to stimulate the development of planning courses or groups...

Publishing date Wednesday, 22 May 2024
Category AESOP

AESOP section on disP - The Planning Review is back on track!

Dear AESOP community, 
We are pleased to inform you that, since Issue 1/2024, AESOP has reloaded its collaboration with the journal disP - The Planning Review!
The first contribution featured in the renewed DISP AESOP section is titled 'Revising the AESOP Core Curriculum – for the 21st century', and is authored by Andrea Frank and Martina Koll-Schretzenmayr.
You can download the...

Publishing date Monday, 29 July 2024
Category AESOP

Welcome the New AESOP Members of 2024!

Dear AESOP friends, 

We are delighted to announce that our AESOP community continues to flourish each year.

With great pleasure, we extend a heartfelt welcome to all our new members joining us in 2024!

AESOP Full members: 
Faculty of Built Environment (Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning), Technische Hochschule Lübeck, University of Applied Science  Department...

Publishing date Thursday, 25 July 2024
Category AESOP

Call for Editor in Chief for the Conversation in Planning Booklet Project

We are happy to announce the call for a new Editor in Chief of our Young Academics booklet series Conversations in Planning. The YA Coordination Team is seeking to appoint a new EiC starting August 1st, 2024 for a duration of 2 years.

Conversations in Planning is a booklet series managed by the Young Academic Network. Its open access e-publications are outcomes of collaborative efforts between young academics and more established scholars. The booklet series thus...

Publishing date Friday, 21 June 2024
Category AESOP

AESOP Lecture on The political geography of colonisation - space and territory in Israel/Palestine by Oren Yiftachel

We're delighted to inform that the following AESOP Lecture was proposed by the Global South & East thematic group alongwith Urban Transition Hub, ICS-ULisboa. It will take place on 25th October 2024 in hybrid format. It is possible to attend in person in Lisbon, if you wish to. Please mark your calendar. 
The political geography of colonization - space and territory in Israel/Palestine by Oren Yiftachel

Proponents: Marco...

Publishing date Tuesday, 23 July 2024
Category EVENTS


Dear all,
who are interested in planning theories: Join the AESOP Thematic Group „Planning Theories (plural)“, co-coordinated by Ben Davy (TU Dortmund University / University of Johannesburg), Franziska Sielker (TU University Vienna / University of Cambridge), and Meike Levin-Keitel (University of Vienna).
Membership is free, and it does not matter whether you are associated with an AESOP member...

Publishing date Friday, 19 July 2024
Category MEMBERS

Best thesis in urbanism award. THE FIFTH MANUEL DE SOLÀ-MORALES EUROPEAN PRIZE 2025

Open call for thesis! Until September 30, 2024.
Every two years, the Manuel de Solà-Morales European Prize recognizes the best university research in the field of urbanism carried out by a student granted a PhD. Candidates can be anyone studying at a European University whose research for their doctoral thesis is grounded in urbanism, according to the application procedure on
The award honors the memory of Professor...

Publishing date Friday, 5 July 2024
Category MEMBERS

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS & ROUNDTABLES -The Dortmund Conference for Spatial and Planning Research (DOKORP 2025)

The Dortmund Conference for Spatial and Planning Research (DOKORP 2025)

The 7th DOKORP will take place from 10 to 12 February 2025 in German and English.
The title is: “Planning in times of multiple crises”

Deadline 01/09/2024

In western spatial planning practice, relatively stable basic assumptions are often implicitly assumed: Urban development is predictable, property is robust, institutions are stable, the...

Publishing date Monday, 1 July 2024
Category MEMBERS

ARL international conference on October 10/11, 2024 in Rome

We would like to inform you about the ARL international conference on October 10/11, 2024 in Rome
The conference entitled "THE EUROPEAN SPACE BETWEEN CONSOLIDATION AND NEW CHALLENGES. SPATIAL PLANNING AND RESEARCH FROM 1975 TO THE PRESENT" will take place at the Ministry of Infrastructures in Rome. 
For the detailed program click HERE

Publishing date Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Category MEMBERS

Application open for scholarships in integrated urbanism!

EPOS scholarships by DAAD for the 2024 MSc Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design (IUSD) programme are open for application now! This interdisciplinary double-degree links perspectives from the South and North by studying the first year at University of Stuttgart, Germany, and the second year at Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt. Students learn critical engagement with theories and practices related to dynamically transforming cities,...

Publishing date Sunday, 16 June 2024
Category MEMBERS

Call for Papers - DESIGNING IN DISORDER - DESIGNING DISORDER Reorganizing Urban Fragility - URBANPROMO


International Conference


Florence, November 8, 2024

Read the Call for Papers!   ENG - ITA

Conference Objectives and Outline

In re-proposing the formula that has been successfully experimented in previous editions of Urbanpromo, INU and Urbit intend to provide working hypotheses and contributions of ideas to...

Publishing date Tuesday, 4 June 2024
Category MEMBERS

imageAESOP TG on ETHICS, VALUES & PLANNING - COLLOQUIUM 9: "Radically Alternative Views on Spatial Planning and the Law: Kropotkin, Hayek, Kelsen", October 10, 4-6 PM (CET)

10 October 2024, 4—6 p.m. CET (online)

Please register at

This event is organised in collaboration with the AESOP TG on Planning Theories.

JACOBS on KROPOTKIN - Mutual aid, local planning, and law. At the turn of the 20th century PatrickGeddes, Ebenezer Howard, Lewis Mumford were all strongly influenced by Peter Kropotkin. 21st century global environmental and economic conditions again...

Publishing date Monday, 29 July 2024
Category Ethics, Values and Planning

AESOP International PhD Workshop in India/ AESOP India Planning Exchange

Dear all,

We are delighted to share the news that AESOP ExCo and CoRep have approved our thematic group proposal to organise AESOP International PhD Workshop in India as a mainstream AESOP event in 2026/27. In the future, we plan to organise similar workshops aligned with the years of Global Planning Congresses in the Global South and East countries.

With regards and thanks

Global South and East thematic group

Publishing date Tuesday, 23 July 2024
Category Global South & East

Activities by TG PSUC during the Paris 2024 Congress

The thematic group on Public Spaces and Urban Cultures was responsible for TRACK 08: PUBLIC SPACE Planning for cultural diversity, peace and the experience of places.

This track had a total of nine sessions with the following topics:

Peace and inclusion Approaches, age, and gender Transformations Cultures Typology and morphology Regeneration and environment Infrastructure

The track hosted a total of 51 presentations. The sessions were well attended, and...

Publishing date Monday, 22 July 2024
Category Public Spaces and Urban Cultures

TG PSUC coordination team transition in 2024

We are pleased to inform you that at the AESOP conference in Paris, 8-12 July 2024, the  TG PSUC coordination transitioned from the 2022-2024 team, comprised of Christine Mady (main coordinator, Aalto University, Finland), Tihomir Viderman (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany), and Matej Nikšič (Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia) to the 2024-2026 team, which will include Tihomir Viderman (main coordinator, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany),...

Publishing date Monday, 22 July 2024
Category Public Spaces and Urban Cultures

Call for abstracts: Inclusive and Cohesive Urban Development in European Cities - European Reflections and Learnings for a Post-War Urban Planning

Inclusive and Cohesive Urban Development in European Cities

European Reflections and Learnings for a Post-War Urban Planning

Roundtable details

The roundtable discussion, to be held in the context of the PM4U project, will delve into the intricacies of inclusive urban development in EU, Ukraine and other European post-war countries. The rationale behind the PM4U project is grounded in the urgent need for projects of urban transformation address a spectrum...

Publishing date Friday, 31 May 2024
Category Transboundary Planning and Governance


A maze with arrows and a clock

Description automatically generated

28-29 November 2024, RWTH Aachen University

Time is too often a peripheral element in scholarly and practical discourses. It is frequently treated as a neutral background factor instead of an active force that shapes cities and their planning. However, complex socio-spatial systems continuously evolve and transform over time in ways that are sometimes predictable, and others spontaneous; sometimes slow, and others fast. Planners are at the frontline of this...

Publishing date Tuesday, 2 April 2024
Category Planning and Complexity

OPEN POSITION: Associate or full professor level in Urban Planning at Aalto University, Finland

Aalto University invites applications for an Associate or full professor level in Urban Planning. For more information and the application form please visit:

The call is open until 2 September, 2024 (UTC +3h). We would appreciate it very much if you could spread the info of this open call to all likely...

Publishing date Wednesday, 17 July 2024
Category JOBS

Professorship (W3) Transport Planning

The Department of Spatial Planning at TU Dortmund University is offering the following position (starting at the earliest possible date):

Professorship (W3) Transport Planning

Our profile

TU Dortmund University comprises 17 departments in the natural and engineering sciences as well as the humanities and social sciences and is a dynamic university with a strong profile in research, teaching, promotion of young scientists and transfer. With around 1,300...

Publishing date Tuesday, 2 July 2024
Category JOBS


Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey, City and Regional Planning Department is looking for an international Assistant Professor candidate (Non-Turkish citizen) to employ in research and teaching activities.

Candidates must have

1)  PhD in Urbanism, City Planning, Regional Planning 

2)  Strong record of international publications

Please send your CV to (Prof.Dr. H. Engin Duran, Department Chair) for an initial screening.


Publishing date Saturday, 29 June 2024
Category JOBS

DLGS Call for Applications for 2025: Sustainable Innovations in Housing, Due Sept. 1, 2024

Call for Applications for 2025: Sustainable Innovations in Housing

Housing constitutes a foundational pillar of societies and their economies. It is an essentially spatial phenomenon with diverse implications regarding human needs and the environment. Its construction, development, provision, and accessibility vary widely across regions and globally—and so do its life cycles, ecological impacts, and resilience to environmental risks.

Current sustainability...

Publishing date Monday, 17 June 2024
Category JOBS

Call for Papers, Dimensions 09 | »Changing Spatial Practices: Alliances, Activism and Networks«

Dear colleagues, fellow researchers, and friends of Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge,

we are pleased to share with you the current Call for Contributions for the upcoming issue »Changing Spatial Practices: Alliances, Activism and Networks« of Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge, edited by Kadambari Baxi (Barnard College, Columbia University, New York), Isabel Glogar (Technical University...

Publishing date Wednesday, 24 July 2024

Urban Experimentation and Learning. Green, Sustainable and Just Transformative Capacities?


In recent years, urban experimentation has firmly entered the vocabulary of urban transformation research through an extensive body of literature on transition management, environmental policy and governance, human geography and planning, sustainability, and real-world lab research. Urban experimentation broadly refers to "an approach associated with a set of practices that characterizes contemporary urban innovation and the profusion of...

Publishing date Monday, 15 July 2024

CALL FOR PAPERS - International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR)


The 'International Journal of E-Planning Research' (ISSN: 2160-9918) ranked Q1 in Urban Studies in 2023.

It is in percentile 88th in the category 'Urban Studies' (position 33th/279 in the SCOPUS ranking in 'Urban Studies'; and percentile 85th in the category 'Geography, Planning and Development' (position 115th/821 in the SCOPUS ranking in 'Geography, Planning and Development').

The IJEPR is currently seeking the submission of new...

Publishing date Friday, 5 July 2024

New Publication: Mapping of 15-minute City Practices

The new publication, “Mapping of 15-minute City Practices,” offers a comprehensive overview of the 15-minute City concept and related policy fields. By collecting case studies and examples from 100 cities, the report provides insights into international practical definitions, strategies, and experiences of implementation.

The 15-minute City concept presents an ambitious vision for increasing opportunities, connections, and the quality of life in cities. Although...

Publishing date Friday, 24 May 2024
Category BOOKS

New book: SPATIAL PLANNING SYSTEMS IN EUROPE . COMPARISON AND TRAJECTORIES (edited by Vincent Nadin, Giancarlo Cotella, Peter Schmitt)

The volume SPATIAL PLANNING SYSTEMS IN EUROPE . COMPARISON AND TRAJECTORIES has just been published by Edward Elgar!

The Book summarises the results of the ESPON COMPASS project, the most up-to-date, systematic overview of spatial governance and planning in the European continent.


Below are some short reviews by prominent scholars:


Publishing date Tuesday, 7 May 2024
Category BOOKS

Associate Professor. Giancarlo Cotella

Secretary General: Association of Eurpoean Schools of Planning

Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning (DIST)
Politecnico di Torino

39, Viale Mattioli. 10125 Turin, Italy


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